Considering the only goal of 4chan is to piss people off... way to get pissed about this everyone. I guess.
Considering the only goal of 4chan is to piss people off... way to get pissed about this everyone. I guess.
Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.
In my defense there were three times over five years and I blame growing boobs and getting a total of six inches taller for it happening repeatedly.
Jesus, dude. Just how many women have you kicked in the vag?
I was once harassed by a group of The Youths on a sidewalk outside a bar in France. Whether they intended to take things further than they got, I don't know. My male friend had gone inside the bar to grab his jacket, leaving me alone literally for less than two minutes. While gazing at the chateau across the street, I…
Banners on the horizon bear their sigil...
That may be, but the double standard stance Instagram has on nudity should be, and deserves to be, called out.
I am a man, and I approve of this post. Anyone who has a problem with it or calls misandry or whatever clearly didn't read step 1. Seriously, if you're being assaulted, if you're being threatened or mugged or whatever, self-defense is totally reasonable.
Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.
Good - I'm thirsty for MRA tears
Also, Elizabeth's face at 1:25. Gold.
Oh my god that VOICE. She has two levels: this fake sympathetic bullshit voice and her shrill honking.
"I thought you wanted to speak out to help other victims but.."
Ugh, sue her into the ground. Every time I recall her Elizabeth Smart interview, all my skin wants to crawl right off my body - Nancy Grace oozing syrupy sympathy while trying to crack a teenage sex assault victim open in the most disgusting, manipulative, OBVIOUS way, and Elizabeth Smart handling it like a goddamn…
Only $100,000? He's a man of principle then. I'd sue her for a lot more. Because he'll get it if the police contacted her and they still ran the story.
It's about time she starts being held accountable for what she says. People need to learn that things they say, especially defamatory statements, have consequences, and she seems like the perfect poster child for this
Seibert's lawyer said he is looking into Grace's history and other instances where she has made "outrageous and defamatory" statements about people on her show.
*If someone told me "go home and eat a Hot Pocket" I would just say "OK!" and assume they were trying to be my friend.*