
Absolutely agree. There aren't too many games out there with such a distinctive visual style (Bioshock being one of the only other recent examples that sticks out in my mind), but the neo-renaissance fashion and refreshing black-on-gold palette really work well.

If they launched a new version of DoD with more than four official maps, different character models for each class (rather than the scary Clone Trooper thing they have going on in Source) and weapon balance closer to the old pre-Source version, I'd play the crap out of it.

I think they might be using those lower settings to show what they looked like on the XBox 360 / PS3, which to be fair is what a sizeable percentage of both Oblivion and Skyrim's playerbase are / will be experiencing the game on.

Ladies and gents - LA North.

What they said:

Yep - 11 game disks and one for saves. At least it supported external drives...

The difference is that Rocksmith will work with any electric guitar, whereas RB3 needs either the Madcatz Mustang (£125) or a Midi Adapter (£40) and a special Fender Stratocaster (£250).

My major was publishing, and for the last 7 years I've worked at a publishing house - so on the face of it, there's a decent match.

You've just described every fantasy RPG, online or off, from the past 20 years.

All of the Harmonix DLC since RB3 launched has been RB3-only - most songs includes keyboard tracks, harmonies and other data like animation and lighting cues that RB2 doesn't support.

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If anyone can get our beloved data back, it's G.K. Butterfield...

A similie, if I may.

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Yeah, Konami should recruit this team for a Cybernator / Assault Suits Valken reboot.

It's not like there's no precedent for this.

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What about Subwar 2050? I lost hours of my life to that game and its HUGE instrument panels.

"Dragon Age was also supposed to be development studio BioWare's bulwark against the the modern role-playing game, a monument to the tougher, more tactical games of old, the Dragon Age series."

But that would require PD to actually refer to games other than their own. Going by the GT5 GUI alone, looking to the competition is clearly not something they're capable of.

@QualityJeverage: My thoughts exactly... it's one thing to be inspired by an artist's style, but another thing entirely to pretty much just trace their drawings and change the hair.

@mylescox: Just out of interest, have any developers actually produced a comparably large FPS (16+ players) designed for 3G connections?

@Y-bot: I agree completely.