
@Mit: I'm fairly sure the Harmonix demo video was showing off the special Fender Squier Stratocaster that doubles up as a real guitar and a controller. It's got special sensors that tell the game which frets your fingers are on, which is (theoretically) why normal guitars can't be used in RB3.

@Dreamwriter: There's a MIDI adaptor available, but you can't plug any old electric guitar into it (until now, it seems) because the game relies on extra MIDI information that tells the game where your fingers are positioned on the fretboard.

With such favourable licencing terms, how long before every second game in the App Store needs a 350+mb download, drains your battery like no tomorrow, and comes in the shame fetching 'next-gen' shades of grey and brown?

The DLC model seems to be working out for Harmonix, but software sales are obviously in a bit of a slump.

@EgoCheck616: Well, Activision have already shuttered the dev team (Robomodo) so they must've decided to do some pre-emptive shitcanning...

@ellf: Proof - if proof were needed - that Gargos is one of the cheapest fighting game bosses ever...

@peacepunk: The "slim" resdesigns of consoles are due to components becoming smaller over time. If you take a look around the guts of a first-gen 360, PS2 or PS3 you'll see that there's not actually all that much room to spare between the components.

@mrfusion121: Playing through Uncharted, I got the impression that Naughty Dog wanted Fillion for the lead role, but couldn't afford him...

Small nitpick with the closing paragraph: "The Great War" is actually World War 1, not WWII.

@Dante_Ravenkin: Even money on the next 343 studios Halo game being an HD remake/remix of Halo 1 and/or 2.

@PossibleCabbage: Damn right. When the core "Simon Says" mechanics of each title are almost identical, the only way to keep people coming back is with great content. No other music game comes close to Harmonix's library. And, y'know, The Beatles.

@KaneRobot: Having seen RB3 take Power Gig's basic concept and present it with 10 times the polish and fret-perfect tabbing (albeit with probably 10 times PG's budget) Seven45 just aren't bringing anything new to the table apart from a small number of exclusive artists/tracks.

@Chestnut Bowl: There's a small smattering of funk - James Brown for example - but not much. (I've just realised how filthy that sounds.)

@Chestnut Bowl: RB3 has Pro Bass too - you just use the four lowest strings of the Squier / Mustang guitar... :^)

I see David Bowie's new look is going down well in Japan.

@CatsAkimbo @gameripper: Keep an eye out for Spy Party:

@Korbei83: And the Star Wars poster with added Master Chief... :^)