“stuck in mediocre Diamond or below.”
“stuck in mediocre Diamond or below.”
If you’re complaining about the PC reporting function, just because you can’t see the result doesn’t mean it’s not working. I’ve come across people who have been reported for offensive Battletags (renamed ‘BNet User’) and who have had their voice and text chat functions disabled as a result of player reports.
Fortify will stop a hook from connecting (it just bounces off a Fortified Orisa), but won’t save you if you’re in the ‘stun’ phase of the hook.
Agreed. People need to view her more like an offensive Mercy rather than a stealthy Tracer - her utility comes from her abilities, rather than directly from her firepower.
The fact her SMG spread ramps up incredibly quickly and takes a long time to reset (comparatively speaking) means that she’s only a reliable…
It makes perfect sense, though. Aside from Control maps (which are always best of 5 in comp), going for 3 rounds means the teams both completed the map objective on their attacking phase and it’s then all down to who did it faster, which is a pretty good indicator of balance.
Game is pretty much the polar opposite of ‘small’. They’re the sole nationwide chain of high-street video game stores left in the UK, but they’ve been performing terribly for the past 6 or 7 years - their prices are at least 15% higher than online stores and supermarkets, their selection of anything bar overpriced…
Hell yes. It’s so incredibly 90s, but it fits so perfectly with the game’s aesthetic that it’s impossible to not get hyped by it.
I put a few rounds into PTR yesterday and the buff to her matrix is definitely noticeable. Mostly it’s a case of needing to adjust from previously-learned behaviour (“she just burned her matrix, now she’s vulnerabl— STOP BLOCKING MY WHOLE HOG, DAMMIT”), but she definitely feels a bit more flexible to play as, and more…
There are (IMO) too many high-profile games - and consoles, come to think of it - following the “minimum viable product” approach: develop a title (or console OS) until it contains the bare minimum to support the core functionality, then push it out at full price and hope you secure enough of a market to fund the next…
I think the version that comes via PS+ is just the base game plus the free content patches (Masters of the Galaxy and Democracy Strikes Back) that have been released since launch, so you’ll probably still be missing out on the extra weapon, armor, and vehicle DLCs.
You *can* play Helldivers solo (the game spawns more enemies if you have a larger number of players), but you need to be a top-notch player to navigate the higher difficulty levels by yourself.
I went through a phase of obsessively playing Covert Action for months on my creaky old Amiga 1200 during my first year at university (when I should have been working on assignments, naturally). The individual elements don’t gel completely, but there’s something compelling about the codebreaking and…
You took the words out of my mouth.
That’s Big Brother from 1984 rather than an infamous real-life dictator, unless I’m very much mistaken - so pretty apt for the ridiculous crap Konami appears to be pulling.
I'm guessing it's a reference to the main characters in the novel mentioned in the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_on_…
I *loved* this game on PS1. My money - take it.
As far as I recall, it reviewed pretty poorly on the SNES (in the mid-70s) because Nintendo gamers weren't exactly doing badly for high-quality platform games at the time.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The recent Steam release of the HD version of Another World got me wondering if/when Flashback would get similar treatment... providing they don't change the core gameplay too much, they'll have my money - purely for nostalgia's sake.
I really enjoyed Wrath of Heaven on the PS2/XBox for what it was - not as good as the first game, but pretty solid nonetheless. Such a shame that TenchuZ (the current-gen version) was so poor... :^/