
Yup, that's the one. The first two (PSOne) were made by Acquire; I think the third and fourth were published by From Software - the Demons/Dark Souls guys - but developed by someone else (Wikipedia tells me it's K2 LLC).

Now playing

What, no love for Tenchu? Sure, the dubbing was terribad, controls were clunky (want to rotate your character when crouching? Hope you enjoy mushy, imprecise diagonal control pad presses!) and the draw distance could be measured in inches, but the music and gameplay were awesome for its time.

Yep, for some reason it really bugs me when artists equate "pixel art" with "8-bit". I like the look of the piece above, but the artist either needed to package it as a SNES / Megadrive title (even though the PS2, Dreamcast etc were doing the rounds when the film was released) or stick to the NES' screen resolution

Part of the problem, though, is that sticking too close to a game's roots in a sequel is a sure-fire way to alienate new players. That's not a big issue when you're dealing with a series that gets a new installment every year or 2 (viz Call of Duty), but in the cases of Diablo 3 and Max Payne 3, you're talking a

Not at first, no. But it's not outside the realm of possibility that a next-gen launch CoD would tie the MW/BlOps streams into each other, then establish a new spinoff series for the following year - much as the WWII arm of the franchise segued into BlOps.

It looks like Activision are trying to split the CoD franchise into two biannual streams - the Modern Warfare series in 'odd' years, and BlOps in 'even' years. Interesting how the settings are converging, though... I wouldn't be surprised to see the first CoD game of the next console generation tying up both series

As a former employee of GAME (2000 - 2005) I can't help but feel a bit torn about this - but the writing's been on the wall a long time. When the average new release is £5 more expensive than any other high-street retailer, and at least £10 more than places like Amazon, you know they've lost touch.

From what I can tell, the Galactic Readiness rating / Effective Military Strength only directly affects one of the possible ending movies. You need an EMS of 5,000 going into the final set of missions (and choose the right option at the very end) in order to see that - and if you've been gathering war assets via

Bioware's games seem to use the same location for saved games, regardless of the whether you got them on Steam, Origin or as a physical disc - try checking your Users//Documents/Bioware/ for an ME2 folder. I'd wager ME3 will look there for PC saved games.

I've got some very fond memories of the MGS series. Not for the storyline, which was best described as 'quirky' in MGS1 before descending firmly into 'batshit insane' in MGS2-4 as Kojima and co. desperately tried to retcon everything into the Philosophers/Patriots meta-plot, but for their attention to detail and some

It's a combination of fidelity and attention span that are the dual problems for this generation.

Let's not forget the Marilyn Manson-infused campaign for Dragon Age which positioned it as a hack-and-slash...

It's space rather than money that's the issue. An old PS2 plus a couple of dozen games just weren't worth keeping around when I move every 12 - 18 months and *never* used them.

Both KZ2 and 3 tell a decent story and are pretty enjoyable - well worth the time and money if you can get them on the cheap.

Let's not forget those of us with PS3 Slim models that don't have backwards compatibility (and no desire to spend additional cash on an old PS2 just for one game).

I posted something similar in response to your comic last week, but it's still valid:-

I'm a bit late to the party here, but I thought I'd offer some (hopefully) constructive feedback.

Dollars to doughnuts those big publishers see most of their profit from console games and/or from MMOs where the initial sale isn't as important a factor as an ongoing subscription.

I'd go for having the FUS RO DAH runes inlaid into the bumper with an LED backlight, personally.

It depends entirely on your system. The XBox 360's visuals are somewhere between 'Medium' and 'High' on the PC scale of things and tend to sit at about 30fps until things get busy (then it drops to the mid-low 20s).