
I’ve never been a fan, nor have I kept any real tabs on what Britney has been up to. In light of such, I was floored that the conservatorship was still on. Having recently had to deal with a mentally ill relative who refuses treatment and medication, I now find it amazing they were given such control in the first

Because people only believe women when we’re dead. Look how many accusers it took before the Cosby story made traction—over 50! We’re hysterical liars who make up assault because we’re vengeful (or some nonsense like that). That’s society in 2019. Still. 

Why is it so damn hard for people (cops included as “people”, provisionally) to grasp the idea that MINORS CANNOT CONSENT?  That if a participant was a minor, the act was NON-CONSENSUAL?

before that even. he was known to have groomed a child in 2010, when the Jesse Slaughter video came out. She was 11.

This has been going on for fucking ever and nothing seems to happen. Jeffree Star twitter-ranted about him like four years ago and then the next day was like “hi i was wrong.”

Now playing

All I can think of when I see J.Lo these days is the fact she didn’t (doesn’t?) sing a lot of her bigger hits.

Yeeaahh...even South Korea sounded like they weren’t too impressed with BP’s performances on American television. They’re not known for their dancing anyway, but they looked tired. I imagine they’re working 12-hour days with little sleep and barely any days off, but that’s common for most groups. I dunno, something

I’m trying not to take this personally but I own that sweater. 

“This picture is obviously everywhere now.”

Yet this is the only place I’ve seen it.

The writer made a good point about how this discussion has already been had, but that it took younger people and more women who don’t agree with this behavior gaining power for it to finally stick. You made a little, petty comment preempting negative coverage that currently only exists in your mind. Why?

This disease has a name: TWFM

The World is For Me

Sadly yes to members of Congress, their spouses and in one particularly gross case, one of their female children. Someone really needed to tell him to fucking stop a long time ago.

I’ve always found it annoying and sexist as fuck that in professional settings it’s deemed appropriate to kiss women rather than shake their hands. That is a tradition that needs to die yesterday.

And what I’ve learned over the years is that comments like the ones Hill reported are designed not to get you to sleep with them but to put you off your game. You come in confident, you’re thrilled to get the clerkship or the job, and you’re competition. It’s hazing; that helps them confuse you, knock you off your

Best reminder of how young Anita Hill was when she went through that. I’m old now but remember how she was treated, remember the Clarence Thomas “this is a lynching!” combativeness (cut to 2018 Kavanaugh - same strategy their PR coaches teach them), and the tut-tutting from all the boys in the boys club.

What she said is exactly what I said when I read his response. Of course he doesn't remember. He does this all the time. We've seen him do it ourselves on many occasions on camera in public. This is what he does. It wouldn't be at all notable to him. 

i’m a millenial and HIV is definitely WAY scarier than the other STI’s. it’s crazy to me that some people would actually try and shame performers for staying clear.

We don’t come here to say that women never make mistakes, but since you decided it was a good idea to bring this up I would sincerely love to know how many of those women you saw were raised to think that their looks and sex were all they had to offer, or were sexually molested at some point, or had shitty,