
The Beyonce cover is notable because it will be the first cover by a black photographer in American Vogue’s entire history.

Yeah he faked it. No-one who just had a stent put in is out picking up happy meals two days later. 

Some people take it very seriously. My Dad is one. But it’s like everything else these days. As many people hate it as love it. 

Also apparently a tabloid paid to tap his phone all of Father’s Day in case she called. He has made it impossible for her to have a relationship with him.

It probably went on that long because he started out guarded and they had to feed him, give him booze, get him to open up to them, and then wind him up. “I’m about to unload on them” probably wasn’t a quote from the first hour.

Kate Middleton didn’t have lots of family either. Her parents who are together, her two siblings, and her dodgy rich uncle. Five family members in that huge cathedral. It just seems to be how Royal weddings go for the newbies.

There’s about to be a change of editor. The outgoing editor is an absolute shitbag, but maybe the new one will take more of an interest in actual news instead of jumping on unsuspecting women and accusing them of “flaunting their pins” by daring to be out in public with legs.

They could have had Yvette Nicole Brown and they choose Chris Hardwick? That’s like being offered filet mignon and instead going “nah, I’ll just scrape this day old Big Mac off the pavement by the dumpster, it’s good”.

There’s no need to “bite”, I wasn’t being goady. I also did not agree with the original casting choice. I was just pointing out that there has been a visible lack of transmen responding to a high profile story about a transman role.

Have no transmen been asked about this? Every article I see about it has comments from a transwoman. I understand why they’d be asked and have thoughts on it, but the role should have been for a transman after all, not a transperson.

I’m sickened that Google squashed the legislation because they may have been forced to remove non consensual pictures. What is the problem with doing that?! Scumbags.

And Google needs to stop being a cunt about this. 

Is that Lenny Henry in the bottom left pic? And if so, WTAF?!

See I wonder if her father saw that sad look she had after the match and decided it could be attributed to Harry and the Royal Family? 

It’s just scandalous for Meghan to touch Harry. He’s frowning in one of the photos. This means he is sick of marrying Meghan and is bitterly regretting his mistake. Another popular brain fart is that she told him after the wedding that she is infertile. Because they aren’t real people, they are soap opera characters.

Does anyone know why gifs and tweets are always cut in half for me these days? It’s very vexing.

Apparently she was left waiting for him for ten minutes. She’s in her nineties. Not cool.

When I watched this film I assumed it was one of those Hallmark Films of the Week. It’s so generic. I was so interested in finding out why it was such a big deal I bought the book. The book is even drippier! This is a film I’m just never gonna get. But on a positive note the scene on the lake looks pretty.

I’m slightly disappointed. That’s just a big balloon. I wanted a proper blimp flying over London.