

I'm glad all these famous cool twitterers are calling out the malarkey those stupid twitterers were spewing. People calling it a rip-off of the Transformers movies. Blimey. What a bunch of dopes. I saw people of Tumblr saying it ripped of Evangelion. It's an homage to Evangelion! You think we'd get a live-action one?

Dear Mr. Kojima, if you felt inspired, then make ZOE 3.

Still no word on if the xbox 360's wireless headsets will work?

Here are my picks, if anbody cares:

Does anybody remember Shogo: M.obile A.rmored D.ivision? This game is like its spiritual sequel.

"View" = Back and "Menu" = Start

Still curious about these two buttons and NO ONE is asking the question; "What has replaced START and BACK?" Seems like a similar 'share' function to the PS4's button.

My wife randomly met these devs while meeting with the council about something totally unrelated.

Cool, I wouldn't mind seeing a Yupik(?) mythology-based rpg or even an adventure/survival game that expands on their modern day culture. Or... oh shit I can see it now... 'Zombie' survival rpg set in Alaska in pre-Columbus times. I want to kill zombies with whalebone spears.

Man, this will suck - they probably have their PCs overclocked to 18GHz and just leave them outside for radiant cooling. Nobody will have the ability to play their games for 4 or 5 years.

''Sasquatch y Yo''- Coming late 2013.

North Americans don't often adequately understand their relationship with aboriginal people. It's quite appropriate, now more than ever, that we see aboriginals propelling into the things that are a part of our lives. Video games are a great canvas for storytelling and helping people understand a few things and we

Sounds like it has massive potential, hopefully they don't go Dora the explora style and pack what could be a cool game, into an over the top educational game.

Should be cool. I have no idea what their traditional stories are (good or bad, at least it's likely to be something I haven't heard a million times before), but at the very least the setting should be interesting. We gamers spend so much time in the far-flung reaches of space or fantastic worlds of magic that we

My icon approves.

As a gamer in his 30's (and I've been active in the hobby since I was about five), I have a couple of things to offer here:

I suggest actually reading the article before having some knee jerk reaction about how there's no connection between video games and violence. Nick doesn't argue that there is, nor do I say there is one in my short blurb.

Alright. Please do the survey here. Make your voice heard!