
Shocking to see a sprinkling of Juste Debout in my Kotaku! Can someone pump up some soulful house dance music up in here!?

Wow that was pretty fun. I chose Mulger. She was fierce!

Shadowrun is out. And it's GOOOOD.

Limbo meets ICO meets Flower meets Tomb Raider.

Are there any videos of people tripping and falling over them? Complete with cartoony sound effects? I need to start my day with a laugh.

SONY lost my trust when their network was hacked and their network was down for almost a month and didn't say anything about it until 2 weeks after they discovered the hack. They had plenty other PR nightmares and product/service issues but that's just one. They haven't done anything (yet) to gain my trust back.

"talking about some unique exclusive coming to the platform"

Yes, displaying both sides of the footage works with the Oculus Rift when the videos are positioned properly. However, this particular video does NOT. I tested it just now on fullscreened and not fullscreened. Worst demo ever. But I'm sure piloting a drone in this way is ideal. Better yet, have multiple viewers

Wow, that's pretty impressive! When you die, you have a chance to save that character by going back to the past! Looking soweeeet ... except that "Time Out" voice over is going to get annoying quickly. I'd give the retro music a 3 outta 5 maybe as well. Just sounds meh.

I don't think any developer would want to re-create their old levels from scratch. Ideally, some generous soul will create a conversion tool which will take the original .bsp's and transform them into the new format.

Did you just use the original image instead of the cropped one that Owen provided?

Woah, someone teach this kid and/or Valve about ergonomics! Stand up straight, keyboard should be lower than chest height, and monitor should be low enough that you're either looking straight at it or at a slightly downward angle. Plus wait is he working on a coffee table! O-O

LOL! What episode is that from? I've watched all of Supernatural except for Season 2. I must have missed this.

Thanks for taking my questions (the 2nd slide about reviewing and the one about the Kotaku of years-past) ^_^ I enjoyed the video!

Post your reviews links on your Kinja and I'll come read it. Maybe you can post them in TAY as well.

Here are my picks, if anbody cares:

Does anybody remember Shogo: M.obile A.rmored D.ivision? This game is like its spiritual sequel.

"View" = Back and "Menu" = Start

My icon approves.

Hi, Patricia and/or internet,