
No one NEEDS to be scared. Just take the technology a step forward, eventually games are going to look and feel like real life. With the advent of haptic feedback, brain-control devices, Oculus Rift, 3D-depth cameras, holographics we'll have what trekkies have always dreamed about - the holodeck. The answer will

Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as 0 (zero) months.

Friend: So who do you think won this console war?
Xbox Fanboy: Xbox won!
Friend: Xbox One?
Xbox Fanboy: Yes, Xbox won!
Friend: The original Xbox?
Xbox Fanboy: No, Xbox won with One?
Friend: OG Xbox?
Xbox Fanboy: Xbox One!
Friend: Xbone?
Xbox Fanboy and Friend: Teeheehee.

I see that "rich" people move to the left and poor folks go to the right. Surprisingly, Miyamoto is heading in the right direction even though he doesn't look like he knows what he's doing.

Seriously. They should have kept Xbox Natal. Project code names are always better. Even Xbox Durango will sound cooler than whatever they'll come up with. Xbox 720 is lame. Oh it's 320 but times 2! I hope its not that.

The name of Microsoft's new console is XboxReveal. You heard it here folks! #XboxReveal

I thought there were some bad parts in Ninja Assassin but the whole movie wasn't boring. The flashbacks slowed down the pace a lot. However, the action sequences reminded me of 80's ninja flicks in a good way. Especially, the opening - very Tarantino and anime-esque.

Yeah I got the Animal Man issues too. It began fairly well but has the same issues with the conflict at the end. Just not enough time to really develop the end sequences. There are some funny parts with Rotworld versions of the Green Lantern, The Flash, and Frankenstein. Other then that, I wouldn't recommend them.

The ending war of Rot World let me down. I was hyped up for some really epic battles. I could count the amount of good fights on my left hand. The lead up for the story was amazing though. Missing Snyder's presence already.

Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to play it. I had a modded PS1 but the import games were so expensive (back then). I want to say Tobal 2 was selling for like $90-100 at the time. Now you can buy it on Ebay for $30... which is still pretty expensive for a PS1 game, lol.

I want to add Ergheiz, Tobal No. 1, and Tobal 2 to this list. It was just "weird" that Square would develop fighting games and try to compete with the heavy hitters of Neo Geo, Capcom, Sega, and Namco.

Now playing

I could see the Oculus Rift for Uncharted, Diablo, NBA, and Devil May Cry. You can still take advantage of seeing behind your character via a third party camera / over the shoulder camera. Check out this video where a developer implements Oculus Rift with third person viewing mechanics:

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that have been affected by this.

Awww, no back-of-the-box quotes? For shame.

"Hadouken!" Is it just me or did they censor the "Ken" party?wtf

Does anyone eat the bone marrow in bone-in chicken wings? I try too when there's time. Bone-in should be the clear winner based on economics. You get more for what you pay for! :)

Everyone, raise your pitchforks. Stoke your torches. Let's burn this Frankenstein monster to the ground!

I'm King of the World!

Agreed. It screams out "Scott Pilgrim" too much and I feel like the art doesn't match at all what I've seen of the game and concept art. The game is gritty, dark, and horrific; not cartoony or anime at all. They should have gone with a look like Ben Templesmith (Dead Space, 30 Days of Night).

What's an SIII? I have an iOS (iPhone 5) and the site works magically.