
I am super here for this. Probably my most anticipated title alongside the new Doctor Strange. Incredibly excited to see what thunder Coates will bring to the King.

The Cosmodrome mission before you head to the Dreadnaught is so far my favorite bit of VO from him. The entire time I’m climbing the tower and trying not to look down I was shouting “I HATE YOU CAYDE-6. HATE. HATE. HATE.”

That is some seriously aggressive marketing, Hakke. Who do you think you are, Red Bull?

Riot’s policies and actions are driving people like this away? Oh look, suddenly LoL mysteriously started downloading my PC.

Right now - Destiny and Witcher 3. Also a heaping helping of Netrunner, because damn that game has wormed its way into the cockles of my cold, cold, reformed-Magic-player’s heart.

Later this month - Star Wars: The Old Republic to get ready for the xpac and finish Story Boost-ing all my alts. I also keep telling myself

Sweet murdering Christmas in Stalingrad, that AWP shot.



After reviewing games for two years, I heartily agree with this. One week post-launch, minimum. That’s enough time for glaring issues that skipped through the review process somehow to get noticed, and for developers/publishers to either put out a fix or completely cock up the response.

Timed exclusives are bullshit.

Luther: The Translator of Rage is coming in a separate patch.

So... she's Schrodinger's golem?

This is word-for-word what was going through my mind yesterday while I was seething about this.

I wonder if it's because I said "penis." Not sure if penis is in their "do not approve filter" or not. I figured penis might be better than other euphemisms.

"Sometimes the story doesn't call for it."

Nah, it'll burn. And not just because Gandhi is involved, but because the game is set to be won by Domination only, which means everyone will be forced to duke it out militarily.

I do believe that's a gauntlet thrown. A gauntlet with "PICS OR GTFO" written on it.

Really good tips. Also, don't be afraid to jump behind the screen and be the DM for your friends! It's a great way to learn the game together, especially if you're the one most interested in getting the game going.