Not the whole team. Will include other members. Think about Avengers World, which was like a network with different rosters ready to be called up as needed.
Not the whole team. Will include other members. Think about Avengers World, which was like a network with different rosters ready to be called up as needed.
"Why isn't X on..."
So many questions. The ending is a cliffhanger, and a damn good one at that. Those that follow the Dragon Age lore closely can't help but wonder what happens next. This is where things get particularly interesting, because everyone has theories.
That name is the key to understanding some of the ending. To put it plainly: Flemeth calling Solas the Dread Wolf is a huge twist. The implication is that, like her, Solas houses an Elven god. I suppose someone could have guessed that Solas is bad news, judging from the fact that in this image, which resembles the…
(As it happens, Elite: Dangerous isn't the only crowdfunded classic PC space-sim in development. Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts has so far bagged more than $50 million for his game Star Citizen, which is earlier on in development than Elite: Dangerous but looks similarly appealing. Prediction: Many of the…
I'm enjoying the exploration aspect of this expansion a lot, especially in regards to followers. There are quest chains I didn't see the first time through a zone, but did see after I got a new garrison building like the stable which sent me to go tame beasts to eventually turn into mounts. Found Pleasurebot 8000 that…
I think the next story area (Val Royeaux?) says "Recommended for lvl 4-7", so that's a good indication of how much time you should spend in the Hinterlands.
There have been a handful of occasions where people were given extra days due to extended downtime. Sometimes it was specific servers, sometimes everyone. I can probably count the occasions I recall on one hand, but they have done it before. It's just rare that they A) do it, and B) they run into an issue significant…
Pretty sure extra days are added on to your current sub time, so at the end you'd get the free time before you're charged for your next sub. So if I have a month left on my three-month sub, I'd get the five days at the end of the current month I have left, and then I'd be charged for a new three-month sub.
You can jump in Inquisition, which is a big deal for a BioWare game. That means that when you come upon a mountain or other obstacle and want to see what's on top or beyond it, it's possible to jump and climb your way to the top. Don't let a little slipping and sliding discourage you! If you truly believe, you can do…
You can't rush through it, and it regularly stymies any attempts to do so. My first playthrough took me 85 hours, and I am sure I missed a huge amount of stuff.
Only other practice similar to this I've heard of was the Rubber Room in NYC (reassignment centers supposedly closed in 2010, but in reality continue to exist in some form or another). Teachers were sent there and told they were being investigated for misconduct, then just forgotten for years in bureaucratic…
So they killed the Murder Cave, eh?
... do you think it dropped epic pants?
Negativity bias also exists in news. It's something I run into about once a week, usually whenever I'm telling people about what I do. "Why isn't there ever any good news on?"
I need this. For... reasons.
In space, no one can hear you cry over your CIC being reduced to ash.