
You might not be a twat, but you too live in a fairy tale where the only people who carry around large amounts of cash are up to no good.

You also live in the fairy tale where the cops will give a flying fuck about how good the reason is for you to be carrying thousands of dollars in cash, or jewelery, or to even leave

What fairy tale do you live in? Cops lie on the stand all the time, and are all but immune to fallout if and when their perjury is brought to light.

I watched a cop lie through his teeth in traffic court, and when the defendant produced a video to that effect, the judges response was "it's regrettable that the officer

Sambucci's moved, they're over in College Point now, next to the Crystal Windows and Doors factory and the new NYPD Academy construction site.

Why didn't he just implement some sort of inductive charging mechanism that would charge the battery with the rotation of the wheel?

Plugging in the lock to charge before changing the wheels seems a bit... I dunno, clumsy.

Not to mention roadside tire changes would be a PITA also.

The Commonwealth of Virginia can choke on a bag of dicks.

Years ago, I got a speeding ticket in Fredricksburg while interviewing for a job with Intuit, 53 in a 35. The kicker in all of this is that the cop stops me, explains that I was speeding, and I explain that I didn't realize that I was since there was no posted

I think he's referring to the reports of people who are spinning rod bearings in their cars in less than 10k miles.

You would be correct.

Chevy, why don't you love freedom as much as Ford does?

Man, I sooooo called this back in February...

I just want you to know that the video, your post following the video, and this comment thread made me laugh so hard last night that I'm pretty sure I briefly passed out.

He is most certainly not alright.

Hey Chris, where did you end up going?

One of a few ways, really.

There's really only one way to be sure:

He's definitely doing it wrong, I use ramps for every oil change I do.

This is why you don't call the police on your family and friends if they're upset or emotionally disturbed, folks.

Wow, he took a solid knee hit to his forehead. What was he thinking?

Maybe not yours, but he definitely caught the drift.

I don't know how everyone else was taught about the Constitution in school, but the way is was presented to me was as follows: