
I can't tell whether or not he had he bottle when he jumped out, or if he collected it from the ground mid-roll...


Please find weed... please find weed... please find weed...

100MPH? Were you in free fall at the time, because that speed with a 1.0L 3 pot carrying around the weight of a convertible mechanism is dubious, at best.


Co-signed. And I would have used the money to buy something that was actually cool. With a 3rd pedal.

Tides, how do they work?

Drive while overly tired.

Classic target fixation and lack of situational awareness on the part of the motorcyclist. Look where you want to go and the dangers of target fixation are two of the first things you're taught during the Basic Riders Course, which this guy clearly didn't take part in.
Damn shame, and damn lucky no one else or himself

You're doing God's work, son.

Oh man, of all the places...

Brace yourselves: The talking head bigots are going to fire up the "Ground Zero Mosque" shit again.

This guy won't rubberneck at accidents.

In all likelihood, the plant has been there for decades, and the town built into the area surrounding the plant as time marched on.

What's that you say? A Rover with a sagging headliner?

I call shenanigans.

Failed? No.

I want to say that the key word here is "production".


Here's the video of Mike Rice abusing his players that got the Rutgers coach fired.

Two things:

What!?  Of course monocoque chassis vehicles can use MacPherson strut assemblies. Subaru is the first that comes to mind, and there are many others.

Legal BAC limit in the US tends to be around the .08 to .10 range. In Texas, it is .08, which means he was at least a .16. A little Google-fu revealed that he was at .18.

Now, everyone's tolerance and outward apperance is different, but I've blown a .19 at one of those dealies at the bar, and I was pretty close to