
Yikes. Your math....

I had to travel across 3 EU countries in a period of 5 weeks last year on a business trip. Keeping track of SIM cards got... tedious.

Now playing

That's not bad, but it's no Range Rover Classic. Behold...

Man, if this was the states, this guy would have been tazed or shot by now.

Or tazed and shot.

The patience of this officer is astounding.

You're doing God's work, son.

No, this was supposed to be a reply to...

...where's the instruction PDF for this thing?

I think this is where I reply...

So long as I don't asplode a server or three, I'll drop by for a moment.


I was under the impression that it was mandatory that carriers offer this system.

You know what would light a fire under AT&T's ass to fix this?

On my '99 Discovery, if you crash hard enough to trigger the inertia switch, the doors unlock and the 4 ways come on.

Ok, folks. Submissions are now closed, we have our winner.

Annoyed by a smoke show in the middle of rush hour, sure. But shit like getting rear ended by a distracted or oblivious driver is one of my biggest fears when riding, and happens more often than you think, albeit accidentally. What if the bikes he plows into at the back of this pack were just a few friends out for a

IANAL, thanks for the clarification!

With the number of responses, I thought for sure that Virgina had that one in the bag.

See, here's the thing:

That Dodge wasn't a rollover, that thing was dropped on it's roof from a substantial height. The cab is completely flattened, no way a rollover caused that kind of damage.

Co-signed. So, who's got time for a story? Of course you do!

I like to think that I wouldn't have run the light, I make it a point not to drive distracted. But if I did, I like to think that I would stay at the scene.

He's from Oz, the c word carries just a bit less weight than it does stateside.

This is exactly the article I thought of when I read the article. It's heartbreaking.