
Yeah, this is close to my experience too. I have PCOS, and need to have my hormones regulated because otherwise I suffer from some uncomfortable to dangerous complications (from heavy periods and bad cramps to actual risk of uterine cancer). I'm pretty sure I even had cysts burst on me twice before I started on the

I'm 5'4", and while I don't think I'd date a guy who was shorter than me, it's not usually a problem I have to deal with. One of the benefits of being a little on the short side, I guess...?

I Streetpassed with someone who had a GBA hat—the original horizontal one, too. It was adorable.

You should have downloaded some new ones when you connect your 3DS to the internet. I don't remember if simply turning on the wi-fi near a hot-spot will do it, or if you have to download a system update. But either way, that's it.

I have the opposite problem when I do pushups because of my cat. He will walk directly underneath my head when I'm coming down, and lift his head up to give ME a headbutt. He has bent at least one set of glasses out of shape by doing this.

This thread is the best thread ever. <3

Says the dude who passive-aggresively called an inappropriate bullshit on me. Takes one to know one. :\

How thoughtful. I didn't say it came with the case. I said I HAD it in a Gameboy case.

Yeah, they're Gameboy cases. I still have my GBC copy of Oracle of Seasons floating around, and it's in a case exactly like that one.

God, this was my experience playing WoW. I had a male toon as my main, and almost as soon as I logged into a female alt, some asshole tried to flirt with me. So yeah, that's why I had the male main. It threw people through a loop when they realized I was a woman. Several times in general chat in Stormwind, I would

I've been told I should play that game. I'm not hugely into sci-fi, but there are a few sci-fi titles I've been told are excellent I need to pick up.

Maybe a bit of both? If you define AAA titles as FPS, sports, and racing games, then no, I don't play them personally. I do play plenty of high-profile (among the gaming community, at least) games. I adore the hell out of the Elder Scrolls series, going back to Morrowind on my PC. I spent many years (and wasted many

I agree that a lot of the badly done characters, both male and female, are the result of bad writing. But the women characters seem to suffer more, because a lot of male writers forget that women are people too. They seem to think that female brains are alien parasites that have taken over a vaguely human body, and

It would help if games would stop being so sexist, either blatantly or subtly. A game doesn't have to feature a female protagonist to NOT be insulting to women. Simply dialing down the ridiculous boob physics on female characters in what are supposed to be emotional situations would be a good step, for instance (like

Yeah. My coworker is nearly 10 years older than me, too. (And he also falls into the category of a really unattractive guy chasing girls who are out of his league.)

Look at his fluffy butt! LOOK AT IT I SAY!!1

Ugh. You've described a coworker I have—who used to be a friend until he "confessed" his love for me right after I told him I'd been rejected by someone I had a crush on. He knew about my attempts to date other people, and had been giving me advice about it—and somehow seemed to think that I was flirting with him by

Huh. I don't think I've ever flat-out bawled because of a video game. I did get a little teary-eyed at the end of Ghost Trick, though. Made me want to run out and get a Pomeranian.

Former child star Mara Wilson wrote an article for Cracked back in May that I thought was really interesting. It's not an insight into the Disney machine specifically, but it does really help illustrate what it's like to be a, well, child star.