
This article talks a lot about loneliness before touching on income inequality, finally in paragraph 12. Why aren’t millennials and Gen Z as happy as older people? Because they can’t afford things, their pay is lower, their expenses are higher, and they feel like they’re living through a slow-walked apocalypse while

I don’t disagree, but I had meant that with the technology and how it’s being used by an increasingly antagonistic business executive class against the working class to control people’s likeness, art styles, voices, etc, when it’s pretty well known the executive class don’t contribute to projects creatively but assert

Over the years, Siri has gotten much better at recognizing what I’m asking for and responding accordingly.

It’s just a Baconator Michael, what could it cost, $20?

To be fair, they called it “DYNAMIC Pricing”, you know so they could gaslight us into believing it’s not just a fancy word for screwing us 🤣

This is the kind of stuff 20 year old business majors with no life experience come up with. “What if we make Wendy’s the Uber of fast food?”


I get the appeal for a studio to think that if a live service games catches fire they’ll make bank. But that is a very big if. And while I also understand the inclination to branch out into other genres, most of these studios should probably stick to what works for them. Bioware made their name developing amazing singl

A smart exec would say, “Hey, this is popular in this moment and won’t be by the time we’re done, so maybe we should make something different.” But then again, when was the last time you heard about an executive that could see past the next fiscal quarter?

Just cancelled. I was already considering it at the 22.99 they bumped me to in December. It isn’t even affordability - it is principle at this point. I do not get anything extra out of those bumps no matter how they try to spin it. They lost a decades long subscriber (I was with them since they were DVD mail order

I’ll hang onto the memories of 2017-19 where I was playing it daily. Every decision made onto OW2 only fortifies I made the right decision to uninstall it.

Gamers were a mistake.

Fucking gamers jesus christ

I heard someone say a similar thing about Kaepernick kneeling. “Why doesn’t he do that on his own time?” If your goal is to make some sort of point, it’s best to do it when there’s exposure, as opposed to say standing on a street corner.

This pandemic revealed how much work is done by individuals showing up to do their job.

Drop a million dollars in my lap and I might be able to retire a few years early. Drop a billion dollars in my lap, and I can live like a king for 500 years. There is absolutely no use for a billion dollars except for taking food out of the mouths of millions of people. It’s not enough for them to be rich - others

Ha this was EPIC. Glad to see it.  I know when I try to learn a complicated game, like DOTA 2, smurfs absolutely destoyed the new player experience.

Because the game at one point was very fun.

Because it’s a single player game and over time people become done with them and move onto other stuff? And it also didn’t review as well as their previous games and less people are into it.

Not everything is a live service, it’s ok to be done with a game.

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine to Jan 24, 1995 and the OJ Simpson trial....