My initial reaction at seeing the gif was "Man, I really want that Skyrim mod"
My initial reaction at seeing the gif was "Man, I really want that Skyrim mod"
Very similar. Good eye.
Nope. I can see the resemblance though.
Can’t wait for these “guess the game character, Adult unit” in 10-20 years when the parent answers with: “looks like the tank”, “I dunno a mid I guess? Could be support I suppose”, “he’s the OP one, right?”, “Oh I bet she’s the one noobs pick because she has a flamethrower/chainsaw”
“If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst!”
The real question is, “What kind of stuff will I be able to deface and destroy in the staging room before the match starts?”
That poor man lost a personal friend between GameStop visits.
Only if Viola Davis (or CCH Pounder, or Angela Basset) plays Waller instead of that boring-lame 20-year old beanpole they had playing her on Arrow before.
Yes, i like the new forms
Came to read comments
Probably about 358 divided by 2.
Thanks for putting the transcript in the article!
As someone who has this game I can tell you people that this “censorship” does not add or subtract from this game. To be honest, though it is fun, it is corny as hell so I’m glad they removed as much AWKWARD Japanese-culture shit as possible as I’m not in the mood to decipher some of those obscure Japanese elements…
Those barely look like Earth-like creatures like the first few generations.
I hear you regarding the backlog. Rewind about five years and I would have been madder than hell for buying this when I could subsequently get it free. I’m fortunate enough now to have a bit of margin in my budget and I like buying titles I want to support even if I don’t play them a ton. This was one of those cases…
I actually didn’t mind paying for this one. I got it on a deal a while back and played a solid 15-20 hours of it. I never felt compelled to play it all the way through but it’s definitely a unique and interesting game.
The demo was confusing so I passed originally, but I will definitely give it another shot! The concept was really intriguing.
Bah Final Fantasy 6 Monopoly was better.
Choosing Aeris just asking to be stabbed in the back
Oh, you mean like this?