It's more like the demo added some things in battle (i.e. Magic) early on to show it off - kind of like the FF7 demo that gives you a bunch of magic and summon materia just because they're cool and will probably sell people on the game.
It's more like the demo added some things in battle (i.e. Magic) early on to show it off - kind of like the FF7 demo that gives you a bunch of magic and summon materia just because they're cool and will probably sell people on the game.
Battle Chest, here I come~!
I see this post brought up again, but Hyrule Warriors still isn't in the mix over Little Inferno? For shame.
More like the start of world hunger, since all the monies will be spent on Valv-tendo things.
I love that explanation: "It's a great game, but it's not a good game." I have felt that way about a lot of RPGs I've played recently, so I think I'm on board with this anyways. I actually thought the animation/graphics in this demo were charming, albeit not necessarily stunning. But I've always liked the PS1-era…
Having always wanted to play, but never having actually watched video of Xenogears before, holy shit I want to play this game now.
This is my "something new" I learned today. Thank you for supplying it!
Your comment made me chuckle. I read it with just the right cadence to be like "Oh god, here comes more complaining about everything."
And then it wasn't!
Watched a choppy gif and almost didn't watch because it looked meh. Glad I clicked on the video, animation much better than the gif gives credit.
I feel you there.
Hey look, a yard sale across the street! Oh hey! FFII, FFIII, Chrono Trigger, and FF Mystic Quest! That's swell! How much for those, sir?
Basically the ideal situation is to have both companies pick one of the games to work on and make super amazing instead of both barely fun.
Clearly Bungie was contracted to fix 343's mistakes, and that's why Destiny can't get any great fixes.
That's totally fair - censoring existing game developers is definitely the wrong move. I don't think asking for more representation from existing game developers is a bad thing though. But I will definitely concede that a lot of people seem to be clamoring for 100% diversity in 100% of games, which in addition to…
Yes, it's silly, because you've slapped a silly solution on it. "Don't like your politicians? Vote for someone else or run for office yourself!" See how that's not silly?
The "Make your own" argument is always the single dumbest argument anyone can make.
"Don't like your politicians? Well go make your own country and do politics there!" - See how silly that is? "Don't like your Big Mac that's kinda cold? Go make your own!" -No, I paid for this, please fix it. Change needs to…
God bless you.
I dunno how much you can or can't say, but I'll ask anyways - it looks kinda like Smite, the 3rd Person MOBA. Is it like Smite?
in fairness, Crono is the characters name, so that can be variable.
Don't you tease me, DON'T YOU TEASE ME!