If you’re making other purchases on your Apple Card and not paying them off in full each month, but a significant portion of your minimum payment is taken up by your phone installment, you could end up paying more interest on the rest of your purchases and need to take more time to pay them off.
Buddy, just because you grew up in one and then left cuz you didn’t like it doesn’t mean you understand rural communities.
Imo this is a pretty simplistic reduction of people who live in rural communities to stereotypes of gun owners. Are some of those stereotypes there for a reason? Sure. But just anecdotally, as someone who also grew up in a rural area, the people who own guns for actual practical purposes (predator/ pest control,…
Crosbie’s work is based on masturbatory utopian fantasy, and simply wrong statistics (There are at least twice as many privately owned guns as he cites for example). He’s the left side equivalent of Wayne LaPierre; part of the problem, not the solution. Everything he writes plays to emotion without reason just like…
Clinton, Bush, and Obama all bear some of the blame for North Korea’s nukes. After the DPRK broke the 1994 agreement none of them did anything to prevent NK from obtaining nukes. Sanctions yes, but China was helping North Korea get around those sanctions the entire time. Obama even talked Lee Myung Bak down from…
And you know how? Cause you’re following politics for the first time. Maybe he should do what Bill or Barack did....nothing. Oh that’s right you’re used to the last 8 years where we blew up civilians with drones. That’s right that’s how it’s done. The guy says some dumb things but you really think people don’t have…
Jesus. Guy does 20 years for probably selling way less drugs than Tim Allen did back in the day, actually gets rehabilitated and it’s still not good enough for some D.A? Don’t they have more important shit to work on?
Paul Niehaus is the cofounder and president of GiveDirectly, a direct cash transfer program rated as one of the most …
Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing…
Countries “influence” elections all the time. Wouldn’t necessarily be for who they thought was weaker vs. stronger, but who they feel would work with them. Trump was open the whole campaign about being friends with Russia while Hillary was pretty straightforward about Russia being our enemy. Why would they choose to…
As opposed to openly paying/exploiting Hillary like saudi arabia (and many other countries) do(es).
The next time you walk down a sidewalk and come to a street crossing, you may notice some strange bumps and patterns…
Un-grey this guy
She was so great; no mistakes, flubbed lines or delays, and total commitment to the character.
Melissa McCarthy made a special appearance on Saturday Night Live tonight to portray White House press secretary…
A Navy unit showing support for the commander in chief.
It looks like adding “&sort=review-count-rank” at the end of your url after searching does the same thing. Perhaps it’s a feature Amazon is beta testing?