
“...you can’t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.” 

People: Stop making Q-Tips ear-sized.

“Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” — Clay Shirky

Alternate title-

I am a scientist. Published, in fact.

When they talk about science yes.

Was this list any different 4 years ago, or 8? I guess selfie sticks might not be there, but they could be covered by “Any other items determined to be potential safety hazards.” I don’t get the outrage.

Now playing

Or Christopher Walken doing what he does

This isn’t a Kinja Deals article right? Can I say this item is The Worst Thing I Have Ever Seen?

Should things made 25 years after the event to commemorate something really be called “memorabilia”?

It’s not mine, but I wish it was

Good point... And these “unique” lil’ things are biologically related to us if we go far enough back, so any would be alien visitors to drop by one day, might be even stranger.

A real life Pokemon trainer.

Keep sailing through the places they claim to be territorial waters and the rest of the planet considers international. Act like they’re an annoying room mate and ignore their bullshit. International diplomacy is surprisingly childish.

I’ll be curious to see. I think they’re less similar than a cursory look would indicate. That said, they have both done things that indicate they have fragile egos. If I were betting, I’d bet against them successfully working together, as one or the other is going to get offended and it’ll spiral out of control.

President Donald Trump.

I think many would consider the honest but incompetent label as typified by President Carter, certainly he showed this to a greater degree than President Opama

5 safe-spaces required for chin