
Faith? In humanity? One would be wise to never put ones faith in something as fickle as humanity.

Well, which is it, Gawker?

“I’m trying to find out in what way she was “idiotic”.”

“Maybe the mother was just worried about the teacher being a pedophile. The fact that he’s gay (most child molesters are)“

“You must not live in the south, because let me tell you, down here? It’s most.”

Just a friendly reminder from an actual Christian... examples of idiocy can be found among pretty nearly every group of people you can think of. People who like to besmirch Christians with articles like this (or by portraying them as idiots or villains in movies and tv shows) often point out “not all Muslims are

“Before I even consider going into all that with you. Couple questions.”

Grab those ear buds, kiddo.

That’s super useful. If the adults are talking about issues, maybe just plug in your earbuds and jam out, no need to express your boredom with politics. Move along to something you find interesting.

Whitson Gordon. Arguably the best thing to come out of the whole Gawker thing!

LOL! This man is either quite insane, or a comedic genius. Perhaps a mix.

LOL! i don’t know how this is so horrible and so epic at the same time. Nice.

There it is.. The final clinching detail with which to cement my “never going to New York” policy into place. Thanks!

“May I ask why? I mean, do you think she’ going to double cross us and be worse than Bush or Trump?”

Now playing

I’d even take Trump over four years of this:

So hope you’re wrong. I’ll take literally anyone on the R ticket over Shrillary, even Bush... even Trump.

I haven’t watched the speech, but this article doesn’t really make a very compelling case against it. Is the complaint that he talks like a regular person instead of a politician? Because I think that is part of the reason for his success.

“we don’t live the same lives or have the same experiences as everyone else”

“While the statement blacks and whites are equal sounds good. In the country I live in it doesn’t seem to play out that way sometimes.”