
I read them. Don’t apologize. It happened to you- that story belongs to you, and no one else.

I think the “strong” and “modern” are coded words to take back some of the control that was lost during these occurrences.

I believe it has cut down considerably because I drive myself to work, and have very little interaction with unwanted strangers now that I’m not on the East Coast anymore. At lot of my experiences happened during my commute, or happy hour- and I tend to drink at home more, not out of fear, but out of a desire to not

Genuinely, I would put that stat at 95%, with a 5% margin of error. But you would have to ask very pointed questions, over a period of time, to get to that number; because if you had asked me last Friday if anyone had ever grabbed me by the pussy, I would have said no—and 100% believed my answer.

My advice? Unfriend the lot of them, and never have contact with them again. They sound bigoted, small minded, and abusive. You do not need that in your life. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love and respect you, and that does not always correlate to family, unfortunately.

Poor Jimmy. I hope he found peace and happiness in his life before he passed.

I need to clarify since I don’t know how to edit my comment. That fucker DID grab my pussy. He did not “try”. He reached up with his hand, cupped between my butt,and tried to finger me. This all literally happened in a nano-second as I happily bopped down the street listening to my iPod, oblivious to my surroundings

I think this could be bigger than just Trump. We are coming out of the shadows, processing what happened to us, speaking up, and standing together.

Agreed. We just have to support each other. Speak out. Not Stay silent anymore.

I believe you, and support you. Let’s keep talking about our experiences.

That’s disgusting. It’s sexual assault. I would imagine men internalize and forget just as much as women. Society tells us you should be “proud” it happened to you. It mean’s you’re a virile man. Women want you.  

Agreed. I remember I had to have a talk with my Dad when I was about 20 that it was no longer appropriate to slap me on the ass because I was grown and deserved to have autonomy over my body. Which typing it out makes me realize, SHOULD NEVER BE FUCKING APPROPRIATE. Jesus. I think I’m going to pour one more glass of

Yes. It took me about 20 mins reading comment of other women to remember it happened to me, too.

It’s so hard, because I feel like the only way I could talk about any sort of experience like this in the past was to make a joke out of it. Which I’m starting to see is a trend, too.

I can only think that we go through this now, to ensure a better tomorrow for everyone. You’re not alone. We’re not alone.

I get it. I have a similar anecdote that I literally haven’t thought about in years until your comment that I turned into a joke as well, because it happened at a gay bar and I’m a cis-gendered hetero woman.

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

Agreed. I’ve worked out next to her at the neighborhood gym. Nice lady. And she took on that crazy Jacobs ladders contraption, so I stared more than I should have, because it was impressive.

If this is on the level, then I feel terrible for him because sexism is horrific.

He hasn’t reached out to support Swim Shady, because he’s been too busy hanging out with me. By that I mean, I stood next to him in line at Coffee Bean and basically freaked out because for some reason, I’ve had a crush on him since 2004.