Dany Heatley Speedwagon

Niners. No question.
First playoff appearance in 9 seasons.
Wins division.
First round bye.
Lose in NFC championship.
2nd division win in as many years.
Another first round bye.
Advances to Superbowl but loses.
If the expectation is to contiually improve, it's Superbowl Champs or bust.

I believe in equal rights for all screwdrivers, gay or straight.

Thanks for commenting!

I think this might be an American vs. Canadian thing. Sort of like the American ignorance towards the superior Robertson.

The screw is referred to as a slot head, hence slotted screw driver. People have come to call them flat head over the years, but a flat headed screw, well that would have no holes at all with which to insert a driver.

A third screwdriver? Uh, hello? The Robertson. A Canadian invention and superior to both your slotted and phillips head screwdrivers. (only ignorant people with little to no construction skills call them flat heads)


The Metropolitan division contains my favorite ice hockey squadrons.

Did they recently lose to the last place team in the West while UP a man for 75+ minutes also?

Worst Team... don't think it gets much worse than Toronto FC.

Best collapse/choke

The award for most improved odor goes to...

Is that you in your profile picture or just one of your children unfortunate enough to look exactly like you?

My wife is expecting our first any day now. Any last minute advice or to-do's for my remaining days as a D.I.N.K. that you wish someone had told you before your first?

A fucking dodge. A fucking Toyota. A fucking Datsun. Four fucking wheels and a fucking seat. Read my lips... I want.. a fuck-ing car, right, fuck-ing, now.

I like how a number of your cheap beers are prominently featured as premium beers at the Beer Store in ontario. THANKS NAFTA!

Hey, you gotta ask the question.

Anytime I see a man changing clothes in a public bathroom, I assume he's just finished killing someone/masturbating/escaping from prison.

As a new pool owner let me tell you, the filter basket is awful. In less than a year I've found 3 mice. Bonus points when it's the filter basket at the pump and the little fucker has been sucked up by the creepy crawler. I'd kind of like a camera mounted overtop the glass lid so I can enjoy watching him die. Mice are

No cabbies were harmed in the making of this video.