I agree the house of mouse is overpriced and really just a large corporate money making machine, but if you have the means I don't think it makes you a bad parent or a show off. I came from parents who were middle class, blue collar workers and went twice as a kid and still remember it fondly. (I'm 34)
My wife is 9 weeks away from giving birth to our first child. Any last minute tips on things I should do before I become a sleep deprived zombie for the next couple of years?
My wife and I are expecting our first child in 10 weeks. If you could go back in time what would you do in the weeks leading up to the birth of your first child that you regret not doing? I'm thinking something you don't consider now because you're a "responsible" parent.
Any plans to come to Canada to promote your book? We have beer.
So you're saying I should not quit my day job? Alright then, how is stand up comedian as a viable career alternative? That seems easy enough.
Given the number of shitty pitchers that have graced an MLB mound over the years, you know the type, guys who "eat up winnings" or are just generally fat pieces of humanity who can somehow throw the ball hard and fast, I've debated how much talent is really needed to pitch in the major leagues.
How can we trust this is really a Live! Funbag? The folks at BIG KINJA could just be pulling one over on us. We need proof this is Live! Quick, turn to channel 9, tell us what you see.
Is there any greater feeling in the world than cristening a clean throne at the office? Bonus points you catch it after the elusive midday cleaning. Double bonus if the custodian is till in the room and has to hear you defile his hard work from the next stall.
The gloves are coming off
Jeremy Jacobs pube?
If it's any consolation Trout still has the Rookie Of The Year and he destroyed Cabrera in the voting there.
J.P. Riccardi thinks you need to learn what lying is.
Yet another situation where one cousin renders another one breathless, gone wrong.
Are the Jesus Freaks who run In-N-Out burger forbidden from serving it?
Where do they find these replacements? I bet this guy doesn't even know who W.C. Heinz is.
At the ripe old age of 32 my brain isn't what it once was and at least once a month I find myself calling someone the wrong name at work. (aquiantances, not people I interact with on an everyday basis) I assume it's because I've met so many periphery people in my life names just start to meld together and everything…