
If by “most misleading” you mean “factually proven” then yes I agree!

I think that’s the problem here... a lot of racism isn’t said by “racists”. I feel like there’s this sense of equating racism as a thing that only applies to dedicated, lifelong racists. Real racism is often subtler... Aside from that, how many people actually self-identify as racists? Even people dedicated to groups

That uncle who always stared at your junk when you were wearing tight shorts was also a large part of your life, but no one’s celebrating him.

this is actually not true. I know lots of racists (thanks, the South!), and they all fucking hate being called racist.

*or are unaware of their own racial prejudices and biases. When some white kids first learn about the concept of “white privilege” they lash out like they’re learning Santa Claus isn’t real.

Someone who thinks that they are racist will not be offended. Someone who thinks that they are not racist will be offended. It has nothing to do with what people actually are.

Studies actually find that racists are extremely bothered by being called racists.

Most racists don’t want to believe they’re racists. Those are the ones who get most upset because it strikes a nerve.

Bull. Shit. I’ve seen a lot of people sling a lot of really blatant racism around and then claim they’re not racist at all.

Yes. Because white people haven’t been the victims of historical and present-day racism anywhere near the same extent. It’s a lot easier to be cool about being called a racial slur when your race is on the top of the heap.

At the same time, there are plenty of people who believe they aren’t racist but actually are. See: “black friend” defense. The real point is, though, that even as imperfect as “racist” might be, it’s the closest you can get to a term that is as offensive in implication as a racial slur directed at a minority.

Even “honkies” has almost no effect. You really want to make white Americans experience what it feels like to be the victim of a stereotype based purely on the color of their skin, make a shirt with a white cartoon face that says “Racists”.

If I wanted to vote for competence, I sure as fuck wouldn’t vote for the delusional revolutionary who thought we could bomb Libya and Iraq into being functional democracies. When Bernie is too incompetent to bring about his revolution, he’ll just fail to get anything through congress. When Hillary was too incompetent

No I’m not. In fact, I’m not rendering an opinion on whether anyone should or shouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton, at all. I’m just pointing out that the logic of her argument is, “Demanding a candidate who represents your interests is for the rich; everybody else has to take what the process gives them; therefore you

Bernie really couldn’t give 2 shits about the “Democratic Party”, and that’s one of the things I love about the guy. He sees them as part of the problem with our country (our two great political parties have created a divide between people, with each group digging in their heels instead of working together), but he

It’s bad to raise money for down ballot candidates? That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

You can think 1) I get why they have to do this and 2) This is bad and damaging for our democracy.

I skew a bit more toward Clinton, in all honesty, but this idea really bums me out. I think that a candidate like Sanders would have the best shot going up against someone like Trump, but we are a nations largely programmed, at this point, to think “it will never happen. Have to go with someone who will make smaller

Yeah, because Hillary Clinton has coat tails. Sure, yeah, right.

Down-ballot my ass. The disbursements to the state parties so far are enough to keep the lights on at each of their headquarters for <2 months. Curiously, the proportion of the total contribution limits on behalf of 32 state parties, the DNC, and 1 candidate that Hillary could collect on her own is 0.73%, yet the