
The Chapo guys 100% believe that white supremacy is a thing.

I hope you get murdered by gun violence.

This is some straight out of 4chan sexist bullshit right here.

“Mayor Pete gives all staffers the equivalent of family-level gold-plan coverage and a few hundred each in an FSA to help ease the pain of the deductible? What an extravagant wastrel! He’s either going to run his campaign dry before the election gets into full swing or have to compromise his stances and take tons of

The writer’s here uniformly dislike mediocre white men who get more than they deserve. It’s a stance that I endorse.

God you’re insufferable. Instead of mounting any defense, or not, you simply attack the messenger.

Saying it’s a coup is not a value judgement on Maduro’s leadership.

You are a truly insane person to think the United States of America are the good guys in the Iraq War.   You are so blind and racist you don’t even consider the million Iraqis you neocons killed in Iraq.    Now you are going to do it again in Venezuela.   Get a clue you monster.  

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

I have despised this out of touch scum for so, so long.

What a corrupt stupid politician. Every one of those kids would be a better Senator than Feinstein. Destroying the Earth and killing billions because she doesn’t want to pay her fair share in taxes. Rich corrupt politicians like her are why the rich get everything and the planet is dying.

and, frankly, I cannot think of anyone more qualified to speak on the situation in Venezuela than those expats

You should be a bit careful about exiles, though, as they often don’t represent the population at home. Lots of exile Iranians supported the Shah, which was a dead cause at home. Hardline Cuban exiles have actually helped Castro to remain in power by encouraging US sanctions and an invasion.

What happened the last time the US actively tried to change things in Latin America on behalf of a constituency in Florida?

Florida Dems: Yes, we must get involved in the election in other nations to prevent an outcome we don’t want.

Rep. Ilhan Omar was the victim of a coordinated assault from the corrupt elites in the media and both political parties. Despite that bigoted smear she didn’t lose the courage to do the right thing. She saw her chance to shine some light on a disgusting evil monster like Elliot Abrams. She is a hero. Politicians like

Then in May 2018, Harris came out in support of federal legalization when she teamed up with Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey to co-sponsor the Marijuana Justice Act.

She’s absolutely terrible — among the current serious contenders, I think only Biden is worse. As the primaries have shaped up, I’ve developed a few litmus tests when it comes to any potential 2020 candidates: I won’t vote for you, either in the primaries or the general, if you support US intervention in Venezuela, if

What will it take to change her mind back? This sounds so much like the primary to the left and then swing to the right tactic that has given me whiplash for decades.