
This is what happens when Democrats follow the lead of Mitt Romney. Time to stop listening to Centrist Dems and their corporate backers. We all know how sick this country is. Republicans and Democrats both see the rich and powerful win every time. We always lose. We can all stop it. We need a House full of AOCs and a

Or — OR — maybe we simply shouldn’t get involved in an internal political matter in a country that has a resource we’d like to exploit. Y’know, like all the other dictatorships we’re fine with because they don’t have oil.

TBF, I pointed out that Pelosi shouldn’t have been clapping at anything Trump said during the SOTU, to which a dozen people said, “NO, SHE WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!!!”

I admire your fire, brother. Clintonite Third Way scum who think if they emulate Ronald Reagan enough they’ll be sufficiently palatable to upper-middle class SUV driving suburb parasites who only care about their taxes to squeak out a 51-49 victory (spoiler: that shit doesn’t work) are not just ruining their country,

if you’re 35, you’ve had Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, and Trump.

the problem with last election is the Dems weren’t CENTRIST ENOUGH, dude! Don’t you get that by now! Vote for Kamala the Cop and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

ethical capitalism is a contradiction in terms and does not exist. Sources for your unicorn’s existence please

Pour le probleme d’oligarchie, la solution est la guillotine

Not socialism, those are simply mild social democratic welfare programs that don’t go far enough.

None of those things are socialism, those are a combination of basic government services and (mild) social democratic welfare programs that aren’t even robust enough to help most people. Nothing you listed fundamentally alters labor’s relationship to capital. You don’t know what socialism is you’re just a liberal

But we also risk people not actually understanding what socialism is (workers owning the means of production). It’s overly simplistic to be like, “We have police and firefighters and highways, we must be socialist!” Nah, that ain’t really it.

Corporate Kleptocracy. Easy to make more money if you already have money.

Thanks. Caddyshack rules.  See you in the lumberyard Noonan.  

Preech! “Centrist” is just another term for corporate shill and we have plenty of those around. Let’s primary any dem who demands bipartisan, centrist, neo liberal agenda BS. This country needs a true opposition party and unfortunately, it has to be the Democratic party.

What’s there to be chill about? Weren’t you just saying awhile back that Pelosi supports single payer and it’s all going to work out, because she’s not a centrist?

I just care about making my life better. Compromising my beliefs for my entire life and voting for centrist politicians who I hated hasn’t gotten me anything. The Democrats sell me out just like the Republicans. Time for new tactics. Pretty easy to understand.

Yep.  It is hard to accept but Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans.   They just run a different scam on people.  

This is why it has to be Bernie or bust in 2020. Democrats are just as shady as Republicans. I’m only voting for politicians that rich people are scared of like Bernie and AOC.