
Our children will also never see a live minstel show, or bear-baiting, or a cockfight.

There is nothing that shows Clinton is electable and Sanders is not, except for the gut instinct of the moderate and conservative Democrats. There is nothing that demonstrates Sanders is less likely to win against Trump than Clinton. Some polls show the opposite, but I don’t believe those either—the general election

I cannot wait to see how Elizabeth Warren responds to this. She is the queen of taking down bullshit. I have my own problems with Debbie and her DNC practices so I am ready to break out the popcorn and watch this all play out.

Well in NBC’s defense, I don’t think there has been enough coverage on this election. Who’s even running? I wouldn’t know. I mean, an analysis of a poignant and provocative music video? Nah, give me more Trump.

I don’t think it is biased to acknowledge that he went from “that guy? LOLZ” to where he is at now. That is a mark of excellent campaigning, no matter who you plan to vote for.

I went to one of the best high schools in the country. We had a 16 year old black kid in our grade, the only one, who got into MIT. He was rich, brilliant and his dad was a crazy accomplished doctor. But according to everyone else on my grade, he only got in because he was black. Acknowledging the racism inherent in

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

According to the linked article, there were only about six kids in the group. I cannot even FATHOM how she “suggested one was not” a virgin. Did she, like, point to one of them and go “this slut right here is CLEARLY catching dick left and right, but what about the rest of you?”

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

Don’t forget, she wants to “Train” them. There isn’t a single candidate at this point in the massive pool of grown men (and I guess one moronic woman) she can actually support, so she has to see who is trainable. Pathetic.

“Because of his business background. I feel like Washington needs somebody new and non-establishment, and I think Washington could use a good businessman who knows how to fix the budget. Our economy is not doing so great. There is so much fiscal irresponsibility. I think having a good Republican president would

What else are we supposed to call someone who supports a political party that is exceptionally bigot

No, that gives her too much credit. She’s someone who’s willing to peddle the same lies about business and economics as Republicans because, to her, they’re secondary to her faith-based horseshit about gay folk and women.

She isn’t a well meaning idiot. She is a bigot who is willing to work with people who she knows hold the same hateful bronze age values she does.