
It really is different when you are in it. Trust me. I had lots of friends and family who were in the service - all branches before I joined and it has never, until this point been a fellow service member who has jumped me about perceived anti-american/anti-military conversation.

He was proud of his killing. He bragged about killing looters. He’s a disgrace to the military and to America and not because he was a sniper.

Remember when Jesse Ventura won a lawsuit against this lying asshole for making up an entire story about fighting with him in a bar?

Well I served my nation in both Desert Storm and during the Mogidishian conflict and we don’t need his kind. His wife’s opinion on this, and she is trading on his “fame”, is less than useless. It’s disgusting.

My dad was in the military, so I grew up around military people. One thing I learned is that the more someone in the service brags, the less impressive their actual career is.

Oh. By the way. I’m a fucking medaled Vet she isn’t a Vet, she is some woman who married a psychopath who found his calling in the military.

Remember when he bragged about sniping looters during Katirna? Great guy.

who also lied about how many people he murdered to make himself sound more “badass”

I love that because her husband was a mass murdering “patriot” she thinks her opinion should some weight.

This dumb fuck is the son of a cuban citizen who obtained political asylum here in the states, you would think of ALL people he would be a bit more sensitive to needs to immigrants. He is the worst kind of human trash, a rat faced hypocrite.

Yeah, he’s a dick for having that position, but that’s his position so at least he owns it. He’s not hedging or dissembling, so on the plus side, it makes it really easy to draw and contrast and say “this is what voting for Ted Cruz would mean.”

“I’m just telling you what my childhood was like. Not my childhood, but someone else’s.”

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

I believe in feeding trolls. I believe that refusing to feed trolls allows them to present their platform without rebuttal, and could possibly lead to others finding the troll’s viewpoint ‘logical’ or ‘reasonable’, thus spreading the intellectual disease.

Lol. I’m sorry I wrote you a coherent and thoughtful reply. After reading further through the thread, it’s abundantly clear that:

Wow, that was pretty disingenuous of you. The article actually explains that the only reason for this is that the black people who are being denied benefits of ACA are living in red states that have opted out of increased Medicaid coverage.

Okay. Given that Obama made the Affordable Care Act the cornerstone of his presidency, and given that a vast number of African-Americans were among the previously uninsured, I’d say the Obama administration has been the engine behind significant improvements to African-American wellbeing. You can also add his

So much truth. 100% accurate statement by you and your boyfriend.

I was just discussing with my boyfriend how the evangelical support that Trump is getting is proof that those people are not really concerned abut electing people who believe in their god the hardest. There is no one on earth who believes Trump is a religious man. These people want racist, sexist, homophobic leaders,