
...is there really such a gender disparity in initiating contact?

It’s really kind of funny and maybe a bit telling that women don’t like Bumble. “Oh look! A bunch of dudes that I don’t have to sort through the creeps and get creep messages. Oh, wait, now I have to be the one with an interesting conversation starter? FUCK NO.”

Yeah, and that made sense in 1789, when the strongest a military could be is an army of a few thousand men, unarmored, firing slow-loading muskets that had terrible aim. There were no automatic weapons, or planes, or bombs, or rockets, or grenades, or tanks, or night-vision goggles, or nuclear weapons. It also made

It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they

It’s a pretty simple game to play. You put out an appropriately worded survey and I can get you a figure anywhere from sub-one percent to more than fifty.

Greek life bullshit needs to die.

Yep. I understand the article but it doesn’t put forth an alternative. If you are asking what he’s doing to help discrimination, and his plan is helping the poor, which has more minorities, in order to get them educated and in positions of power, and you just say “THAT WON’T FIX EVERYTHING!” You’re right. What’s your

That’s a load of crap. His stance on race issues has been a part of his platform since day 1. He just notified people after consolidating them all into their very own special section on his website so people would be more aware of his positions. So less morons would disrupt the one presidential hopeful who could help

Yeah, exactly. Good point.

What is colossally stupid is the number of people who criticize Sanders’s ideas (and Hamilton’s defense of them) without offering up ideas as to what Sanders/other candidates SHOULD do. It’s like you’re saying “Here’s a list of all this racist shit that’s wrong with this country!” And Sanders is like “OK, here is what

On the off chance that Greg Howard reads this, let me be more direct and less sarcastic: I don’t substantially disagree with anything written between the paragraph that starts with “Fuck that, I say” and the end of the paragraph that starts with “Sanders’s philosophy talks around racism by...” (Actually that


You know who else has the fucking Secret Service? Obama. You know who else has to face hecklers who get into his speeches? Obama. So that “Hillary has Secret Service” excuse is bull.

You’re totally right—instead of planning to alleviate racism with economic tools, Sanders should instead just plan to make every American sign a pledge stating “I won’t be racist.” That would be a much better solution.

Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.

Hahahahaha! That’s funny.

also, call me old-school, but feminism to me is supposed to involve empowering women, and dressing and standing like a toddler who has to pee-pee, and running a show called Girls (ostensibly about adult women), and writing dumb-ass (at best) stories about putting pebbles in your baby sister’s vulva when you were

Not my place to guess. All I know is that she has stylists, and it’s clear she purposefully ignores their suggestions in favor of unflattering garments. Does she call it “feminism?” I don’t know. I just hope that women who are her size and shape are exposed to the fantastic blogs out there where they can find

No. Feminism is not a brand. It’s an ethos.

She’s calling feminism her brand. Mockery is entirely appropriate.