I think I need some brain bleach.
I think I need some brain bleach.
Used LeBaron GTS turbo. Got it free from my mother. The head gasket decided to let go at @75 MPH, far from home. Much smoke and hilarity ensued. I could have bought a decent, recent-vintage used car with all the cash I poured into that damned thing.
"None of these Packards are super rare or desirable cars..."
I usually don't let my baser instincts get to me like this but...YAY DEATH PENALTY!
That's better than New Hampshire, where you don't even have to carry insurance.
Ending up in landfills may be preferable to how many of them ended up, left by the side of the road, in vacant lots, or in illegal dumps by people who are too poor / cheap to pay the disposal fees.
"When HDTV replaced analog broadcasts a few years ago, consumers had a couple options: buy a nice new, not-nearly-as-awful-to-move flat screen television, or buy a converter box for your existing CRT TV."
Oh yes, I have. Oh yes, it is. But I don't idolize it, or pretend that eating makes me cool or hip or special.
All the Nutella-eating, ironic-tee-shirt-wearing, Wilco-listening hipsters are gonna be first in line to buy one of these, then they'll sell it as soon as the first article about them appears in the mainstream media.
Please. I remember when the internet didn't exist, computers were the size of refrigerators, and the cost of a simple pocket calculator came down to the $50 range.
Any chance they can use that $10 million and bring back the Auro Show In Motion? Pretty please?
Nah, I'd give it to the Chevelle. Nearly every show I go to during the summer has at least one example on display, usually in red with black stripes.
"Authorities say he'd left word with his family that such was his intent, but he hadn't said exactly where he was going."
Judging by the seemingly large amount of planning, it's obvious he didn't reach his decision by Caprice.
Sorry. I will Endeavor to stay on topic.
Could he have escaped it faster if he was driving an Escape?