"What evil historical figure had the best taste in cars?"
That's a gray area. The crazy way you could ala carte order up a domestic vehicle in those days possibly could have resulted in an SS with Malibu Classic brocade upholstery.
Because the owner didn't take every precaution?
He wrecked a clone (aka fake) which was probably more attractive and interesting as a base or Malibu coupe before being pimped.
The '71 and '72 had different grills and turn signals, but the same rear bumper.
You are correct, sir.
Dude, it's a '72, not a '70.
At the beginning of the video, he's going 80 while passing cars on the right. At the 1:40 mark, he passes a sign that indicates the speed limit is 55.
Say what you will, but I bet VW's ketchup and sausage is way tastier than Toyota's tripe and white bread.
What's Liberace got to do with this?
It is. Anytime you see that logo, it's one of their products.
Been there, seen that.
Not even close.
Baking to death under an unforgiving desert sun isn't in my top 10 list of ways to leave this life.
Seriously, this stuff is better.
"Everyone has a phone with GPS these days..."