Danny BN

Georgia? Too bad nobody entered the race in a General Lee replica.

Historians like to blame wandering cows for the meadering street layout, when in reality it was drunken colonists.

You forgot bike couriers, duck tours, and the Kennedys.

And the cabs still won't stop.

Forgot the pic, doofus.

Judging from the skidmarks, it seems to have hit the curb sideways, which caused it to somersault over the railing.

According to Wikipedia (the internet's most trusted source for made-up crap) there were both 4-door sedans and hardtops for the Chevelle, but it also lists 2-door coupes, sedans and hardtops.

I think Oldsmobile may have had that many Cutlass variants at one point in the mid-80's.

The Streetview cars were driving through Boston last summer. I saw one coming as I was walking down the street and made sure to give it a one-fingered salute as it passed me by.

Does that mean you'll have to print it in brown?

No pics of the car in Minneapolis? I think the whole thing is a gag, not just the asking price.

Use colored paper.

This one is a resident of New Hampshire. Yes, the decals are crowing about the Slant Six under the hood.

Not quite all of them. This one is running around south of Boston.

Though not nearly as fancy, I'm quite fond of the '38 Willys, myself.

I'll give that a shot after I perfect my origami pelican.

That Coupe Express makes me feel funny, in a good way.

It looks like there's a blood stain on it.

1st Gear: Awesome. Now when will we be seeing that engine in a LHD Falcon?

Way back in the days when leather-soled shoes were the norm, detectives would often wear shoes with rubber soles when doing investigative work in order to move about more quietly.