Don't worry. They can't hit very hard.
The final show I went to last year was the inaugural show for a small town near me. A lot more cars showed up than expected, so quarters were tight. Meanwhile, people were going though the field pushing strollers and riding bikes. I was waiting for some idiot to lose their balance and slam into the Delahaye that…
I was taking a pic of some guy's 1950-ish Studebaker a couple of years back. He actually turned around and asked if I wanted to sit in it. I almost keeled over from shock.
It didn't leave the factory with that goddamned wing attached to the roof!
I've seen that Camaro (and Skyhawk) at several shows. The guy who owns the Camaro is a rather large person who alway wears a tee shirt that's the same shade of yellow as his car.
"With that, auctioneer Spanky Assister started his patter over again, with the second sale quickly reaching $450,000 and sold to Jack Miller, a Jupiter, Fla., collector and restorer of Ford Mustangs."
2nd Gear: "That it's functional, durable and affordable are central to our thoughts."
"My other car is a freakish embarrassment, too."
Suddenly, a Fiero trike doesn't seem so bad.