I prefer my Commodores of the 1977 variety.
I prefer my Commodores of the 1977 variety.
Not gonna happen. We're getting 3 Tiguans instead.
My old '95 Galant had a .29, for crissakes. Even the third generation Dodge Caravan managed a .35!
Actually, the car in the photo is taupe, a color that was popular @5 years ago amongst those McMansion-dwelling suburbanites who think they're too cool for beige.
Are you saying that you don't find it attractive?
I'm setting the under/over on bankruptcy at 2 years.
It probably depends on how much prickroom you need.
Oh. Now you expect me to be FAIR?
A (split) bench seat would be a good option if the center console that comes with the buckets is a space-stealing monster, like the one in the Taurus.
PSST! Tenth generation Impala, but it's only nine for the 4 door.
HEY! That was Motor Trend Car Of The Year!
If it were a hardtop, you'd have the name of the company you rented from: Hertz.