Danny BN
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I prefer my Commodores of the 1977 variety.

I'm revealing my personal lust again, but I nominate the '65 - '68 full size Mopars. Every one from Imperial on down the price ladder was a looker, with clean, crisp lines and real road presence.

Not gonna happen. We're getting 3 Tiguans instead.

My old '95 Galant had a .29, for crissakes. Even the third generation Dodge Caravan managed a .35!

Actually, the car in the photo is taupe, a color that was popular @5 years ago amongst those McMansion-dwelling suburbanites who think they're too cool for beige.

Are you saying that you don't find it attractive?

I'm setting the under/over on bankruptcy at 2 years.

It probably depends on how much prickroom you need.

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah.

"Segment-busting crossover sedan."

Oh. Now you expect me to be FAIR?

And the beaver-toothed '67.


A (split) bench seat would be a good option if the center console that comes with the buckets is a space-stealing monster, like the one in the Taurus.

PSST! Tenth generation Impala, but it's only nine for the 4 door.

HEY! That was Motor Trend Car Of The Year!

In its early years, the Impala had circular taillamps for most of its model years, but it hasn't sported true round lamps since '68. Most years it had rectangular units, while the last two generations had round elements behind trapezoidal bezels.

It's the hallmark of a well-designed sedan.

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If it were a hardtop, you'd have the name of the company you rented from: Hertz.

To be fair, some women of the June Cleaver/Michelle Duggar variety could swoon once in a while.