Danny BN

It's interesting, I'll give it that. However, I don't think the Datsun frame will be sturdy enough to tow anything more than the occasional Crosley Hot Shot. A reluctant CP.

I think the wheels are aping the Taurus Limited's, myself.

"With a front end shaped like the offspring of a striking rattle snake ..."

"The all-new Impala goes on sale in early 2013 as the 10th generation of the four-door in LS, LT and LTZ models."

The 2013 Malibu? It's actually a wee bit smaller than the 2012.

A little Infiniti M, a little Maxima, a nip and a tuck, and whole lotta blandtastic sameness.

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I think Ford got their inspiration from Buick.

I’m torn between making a misogynistic remark about women drivers, and asking why I can’t buy a car with a purple interior in Americaland.

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Nope, they're lamps. Skip to the 1:05 mark.

In the 70's, it was common for the domestics to completely conceal the wipers behind the trailing edge of the hoods of their models. It was almost impossible to free them when they were caked with frozen slush.

1972 Ford Torino, one of the few cars to rust from the top because rainwater would pool on its long, flat hood.

Okay, I'll admit it. This is me:


I wonder how many of Jezebel's readers are gonna click on the link when that teaser pic appears at the bottom of their page.

6th Gear: Nope. Still looks too much like a uterus.

I'd really rather have an LS instead of an MKZ.

I have the black ones on my car, but my car is dark and they don't show up too much. I got them because the first day I had my (brand new) car, I opened the door and it was caught in a gust of wind, which pulled it out my hand and banged it into a metal railing, chipping the paint.

That's why GM builds Suburbans.

But wouldn't a wider front portal of a 2-door make it easier for a fat guy to get in the driver's seat?