Danny BN

Live, from the Fjord Fail Lane!

This is America. We can't have nice things here.

If you pull them off, you going to have a mess of adhesive goop left behind. A good part of your $750 would go to getting that crud removed.

It's official: I am totally out of touch with popular culture. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be watching "Mannix" reruns in the rec room.

He was only succeeding at keeping my blood pressure up.

There's a first-generation Prius running around Massachusetts covered with pious, left-wing bumper stickers and a plate that says "HUMBLE." Of course, the guy driving it was weaving from lane to lane, while alternately speeding up and slowing down for no apparent reason.

Certain kinds of women who favor Birkenstocks don't usually need birth control.

Or Bride Of Frankenstein.

A Subaru and Costco tie-up? Will Costco also be selling Birkenstocks in bulk?

Damned hamster

I wouldn't say it was the ugliest one out there.

I was never a big fan of the MR2 Spyder's looks. This is not an improvement.

And so will I.

There must be something wrong with me. I've always purchased cars that I could afford, that I enjoyed driving, and that fit my needs at the time.

Isn't GM the one carmaker who's never had anything to do with Jeep?

Chevy Sprint Turbo. Saw one last week (in red) and got all giddy.

I think "Ramblerero" has a nicer ring to it.

You missed the most lovely one of all.

Next year: BATTLE OF THE CUV's.

North American Truck Of The Year