Danny BN

I want it so bad, but with no place to drive it freely, CP.

No NSFW warning. Cool.

So, a hot pickup cools down quickly when it turns out that the chick's got a hose. Happens more often than most guys are willing to admit...

Just wait 'til Roger Ailes hears about this!

They were to identify which country you were from while driving across borders in Europe. CH is Switzerland.

That doesn't always work. If the link was created without filtering, it may override your browser's settings when you click on it. I'll wait until I get home to look.

Thank you for your insertion.

*insert obligatory Ferrari joke here:

Did his wife seem unusually crabby, by chance?

Actually, the Spirit wasn't a K-Car. Only the Reliant / Aries and their pimped-out cousins (the Lebaron and 400) were K's. The Spirit / Acclaim / Lebaron sedan were built on the K-based AA platform.

It was probably repainted, as it was sitting since 1978, long after the phone company abandoned the alphanumeric numbering system.

Seems impractical. I'd much rather have an Ellllll Camino.

Now playing

I know it's not quite the same, but still...

My mother wanted to buy one of those so badly, but I knew it would be a bad idea. When the time came for her to replace her Taurus, we went for a test drive. She loathed it before we even made it to the highway. She said it drove worse than her old K-Car Lebaron.

2001 Chrysler Voyager, right after they killed off Plymouth. I ended up with it due to a screw-up by the fine folks at Dollar Rent-A-Car. Having been subjected to both the Ford Windstar and Pontiac TranSport on previous occasions, I was dreading the experience, but after spending a weekend with it, I finally

Just goes to prove that nobody's ever gotten a job in television because of their superior intelligence.

I'd like it if they'd ditch the cheesy "Altezza" taillights.


The Volt doesn't have to be plugged in, either. It's got a gas engine, too.

Piffle. My cousin once made a greenhouse out of his mother's old Pacer D/L.