Danny BN

5) You look snazzier when wearing your tinfoil hat in a Prius than you do in a Volt.


I'm sure the fact that the Volt costs twics as much and has a Fox News-led misinformation campaign against it aren't contibuting factors at all.

Now playing

You spoiled kids with your fancy electric starters.

Those all-dressed Lay's are sacred.

I think little Timmy was indulging in some cough medicine before class.

I've found the opposite to be true. It was a guy in the booth who flagged me, while the women did the searching. There are also a couple of surly mallcop wannabes on the US side in Vermont who like to play tough guy and threaten to confiscate my wrenches and potato chips if I don't spill the (non-existent) beans.

I think that was in the brochure, not the manual.

If you're driving through Canadian customs in Quebec, the correct answer is "nowhere." The last time I went through, two female immigration officers went through every nook and cranny in my car looking for God-knows-what, including climbing under it with mirrors and pulling the carpet from the trunk. I guess when

re #1: The Ferrari crash that caused a Massachusetts man's fiery death occurred just after noontime. Do you think he ignored the manual’s advice and had an extra-thick porterhouse for lunch?


Uh huh

I guess clever advertising isn't this guy's Forte.

Ford SmartGauge economy indicator

4th Gear: So, if Toyota is found to be liable, plaintiffs will be able to receive real compensation, instead of coupons for a free oil change and new floor mats?

As a nerdy, pedantic child of the 70's, I must point out that the Monza Mirage was a 1977-only model.

'63 Studebaker Lark Daytona OMG Yes Yes Yes

If you think that's bad, try getting stuck behind one at a drive-up ATM.

And it rode like a Coupe de Ville. My best friend's parent owned one when we were in high school. Lots of laughs were generated by hitting raised railroad crossings at double the speed limit on a Saturday night.

024/TC3, specifically.