
It’s real, but that’s not the real Trump, it’s some look-a-like.

Oh my God, he was a piece of shit and you’re still trying to cape for him. Why? Why do you have to defend him? He tried to kill her the previous week, and then he did it AGAIN and died in the process. What is there to defend? Why should we spare any energy for him?

If only more domestic abusers would simply off themselves instead of annihilating their partners, ex-partners, entire families, children, etc.

Not to mention the injuries (physical and emotional) inflicted on the people who witnessed it and attempted to extinguish the flames.

This makes me all warm and tingly.

The third worst crime he’s ever committed.

This may be insensitive, but Savage Garden?

Yes. Yes it is.

Eh, it could just be a really good egg. Yolk color reflects the diet of the hen that laid it. Pale yellow yolks typically come from hens that eat nothing but corn; orange yolks come from hens whose diets include more variety, including stuff with carotenoids in it.

Yes, easy: Inuit.

He has more goals in the Champions League (103) than Atletico Madrid have in their entire Champions League history (100)

Some 15 year olds have baby faces. This is a pic supplied by the family. I’m sure people are scouring social media as we speak looking for pictures to make the victim look like a gang member. Jordan Edwards sounds like a common name, I’m sure any minute pics of 35 year old Jordan Edwards will be used to defame the

Ummmm not even the cops are claiming they were shot at...

Now playing

And yet, that is not the best part. For you should know that this guy -Oscar Pérez- pulled the very trick on the very same goalkeeper (José de Jesús Corona) he scored on yesterday, some 11 years ago (‘06), while being part of the team (Cruz Azul) his counterpart now defended. I guess that’s what you call full circle,

Saw this on the ESPN Top 10 last night, and it only placed 2nd. 1st was a nice bicycle kick from a corner that ricocheted around the box, but com’on—I’ve seen countless last-minute corners with the goalie in the box both on live TV and FIFA, and it’s never worked.

ESPN’s knowledge and lack of appreciation of

I’m not saying turn the other cheek at all. I’m saying to engage. Fighting for ones’ rights is rarely going to mean talking to people that already agree with you. It sucks and its not fair but someone has to do it and of course I understand that not everyone can. I assume they are all actors anyway but the woman in

Clearly I am talking about the guy who has the issue with trans people when I refer to self-imposed camps and really you’d rather not engage and miss the opportunity to change someones mind/open their eyes to other ways of thinking and hopefully increase the numbers on the right side of the cause? I don’t get that

Yeah, I saw one guy whose view on trans persons seemed to change and another who seemed to soften toward feminism. The other pair just seemed to agree that civil discussion is the best approach to conflict. To constantly argue that morally correct people engaging with the morally wrong opposition validates the morally

Jesus Christ, get off your high horse. This is not the same as the Pepsi ad (for one thing, where’s the supermodel or notion that a carbonated beverage can soothe the savagery of the riot police) though I’m sure saying so gives you a bit of smug satisfaction. It’s a beer ad, yes, but at least it’s a beer ad that is

“only a white girl could get away with this lol”