
Why is clapping an offense, but a fake “hut!” not? Isn’t the whole point of the shout without snapping to draw the defense offside? How is this different?

How can he consistently shine in MLS, and barely get a game for Venezuela, who have never even qualified for the World Cup?

England had a goal disallowed by a toe-nail length’s offside, and missed a penalty with seven minutes to go, both of which would have been equalizers.  The US were the better team, but that game was close, and could easily have gone to extra-time.

He’s only had one hit, but that hit has been the No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 12 consecutive weeks now. That puts it in the top 20 longest running No. 1s of all-time. One more week, and it will put it in the top 10 longest running Billboard No. 1s of all-time.

It’s not the same thing at all. These matches are being played in their own country, and in the middle of their own season. European clubs come over here in their pre-season, after they’ve had 6-8 weeks off, and to play live matches in front of fans who wouldn’t otherwise see them live.

Ryan Pretorious was a 27 year old Freshman kicker with Ohio State when he started in 2006.  He was the kicker on the team that lost the National Championship to LSU after the 2007 season. He was a rugby player from South Africa. He was succeeded in 2009 by Devin Barclay, a 25 year old former MLS soccer player.

Now playing

Joe Duffy stopped him in less than a minute.

Can you imagine the reaction if someone took the same stance for refusing to wear 42 or play on Jackie Robinson Day? If they weren’t loud and mean about it, do you think people would agree with “how” she went about it?

What is it you prefer about it?

“men are garbage”. Spicy hot take there.

If the boys are grown enough, how are the girls not grown enough? What about unsolicited pictures?

The SEC doesn’t count Clemson’s victory over Auburn as a factor in who wins divisions. Therefore, the way the division, and by extension, the conference chooses its champion is flawed.
The Playoff should be the 5 Power Conference Champions, 1 team from outside the Group of 5, and then two at large teams.

There’s a bit on her own website about it in the FAQ section.

I had this happen to me at a Sixt car rental place in Spain. I signed an electronic document to confirm that they had found no damage to the car when I dropped it off, and when I got back to the US, they sent me a copy of a different letter, saying that there had been hundreds of dollars worth of damage to the car,

Yeah, their online info is not great. Following them on Facebook or Twitter is probably your best bet. @NewYorkGAA is the twitter handle. The one thing you can definitely plan for is the first game of the Championship, which is always New York against one of the Connacht teams. This year it was Sligo. Next year will

Thank you! Now, can we all just agree that men go to the doctor too frequently and also not enough! Why do people think this site is a whiny echo chamber again?

Most decent sized cities have a presence now. And the national championships are held in a different city every Labor Day weekend. Last year, it was in San Francisco.
New York have their own separate association, as there is such a huge Irish community here, and it is taken a bit more seriously. That being said, there

Perfect level of fame for me is Max Martin. Famous enough to be respected and recognized within your own industry, and get all of those perks, but not so famous that he couldn’t walk down the street in pretty much any major city in the world without being bothered by people who recognized him.
He’s written more Hot 100

Dez has already come out against Kaepernick, so I doubt he would join the protest

Rugby is great and all, but there are what, 14 nations where rugby is not an afterthought - Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, France, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Italy, Japan, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa. And of those countries, it is the No. 1 sport in New Zealand, South Africa, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa. I love it, and