Dangling Modifier

Not public schools, cause EWW

I have to find the source, but I swear I read that gun deaths/suicides decrease by 20% during NRA conventions because...they don’t have their guns??

Thank you. I also don’t understand the idea a school becoming even more of a target because it is a gun-free zone. Like you said, the perpetrator isn’t going to be thinking logically.

My first thought too.

Yeah, that accent...yikes. She sounds like an over the top Bond villainess.


Ugh, I hate how accurately this plays out in our society.


Oh my god I never thought about this. Fuck.

A coworker lost her keys two years ago. She had to pay a large fine and we all got new locks and keys. Could you imagine what would happen if a GUN went missing?!

Thank you. Hopefully this career doesn’t turn into one that people need to thank for putting their lives on the line.

Right? Would that start attracting candidates who aren’t as focused on education but want the power?

This is the biggest red flag in my mind. My neighboring teacher is a hundred pounds soaking wet. One of our high school linebackers could easily throw her over his shoulder.

Which could make for a comically sad show, because even though some of my colleagues may feel apt to use a gun, most of my colleagues are the eternal can’t-lift-fifty-pounds wallflower type.

“A “good guy with a gun” is most likely a dead guy with a gun; probably the first to die.”

Scary how right you are.

Florida has the Stand your Ground law. So if a teacher was armed and felt threatened, would they legally have the right to use deadly force on a student?

I’m a teacher and I’d be terrified to be armed while at school. God forbid something were to happen where I would be expected to use a gun, and I use it on the wrong person, or it gets into a student’s hands. This is insane. If I wanted to carry a gun, I would’ve become a cop.

Thank you for not harvesting the organs like Dwight suggested.

Yeah I have heard that too. my friend’s dad (surgeon) also agreed.