Dangling Modifier

I just gave birth in June. I could barely walk normal two weeks after pushing that baby out, let alone go back to work. I'm lucky - my bf and I saved up so that I could take four month off to stay at home with our little one. I'm not getting paid or acruing any time off, just sitting on my butt watching SVU reruns. Oh

I'm home with a newborn, and this show has been my savior! Such a guilty pleasure. I'm really interested to see what they do in the second season.

I actually thought he looked like Kevin Costner. So, good?

All the websites I’ve bothered to look over has some cheese to it. I found books to be better, more helpful, and more reliable

On the dance floor of my friend’s wedding. I had had wayyyy too much wine, plus two plates of delicious Greek food. I was dancing with friends when I just threw up on myself. Not too much, but enough that I turned away, trying to hide it!? Did I mention I was wearing a white dress? (We all were, per the request of the

I'm so sorry. Hugs.

Please post updates about your experiences. In aver been really curious about Pocket Derm. Now that I'm in my 30s and STILL have acne, I feel like I've tried everything the best product I've used is tea tree oil, but it doesn't completely get rid of the problem.

Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!

A Maury Povich taping? I will be letting my MOH-to-be know that this is my preference.

I'm an English teacher and this pisses me off, too. Without history, how do I teach literature? I guess we will just start reading Huck Finn without discussing racial oppression, and we'll look at Gatsby but gloss over social inequality and the fucked-upness that is the American Dream.

I haven't. But I have watched videos of celebrities doing dramatic readings of parts of the book, so...

Yeah, whooping cough is not like the fucking cold. I had it a year ago and it lasted for about five months. And I wasn't just coughing a lot, I was vomiting, wheezing, losing my voice, bruising (thankfully not breaking) ribs, and sounding like a fucking dying goat. Get the goddamn shot, mom.

My co-worker (teacher) just had her second child in September. She did the math and found it would cost her LESS to quit her job and stay home. That's bonkers!

Threw out my back after sprinting to the toilet just in time to blow chunks.

Don't knock the onion goggles! One of the best gifts I've given myself! :)

I once bought my bratty younger cousin thank you cards. She never sent me a thank you.

Abso-fucking-lutely. I'm 3 months pregnant and I think I've been sick more times in the past few weeks than I have in my whole life. Other people are like, "oh don't worry, it'll get better." Bitch you don't know my life! I've been living off toast and ready to rip some heads off!

No. We are not all winners. The 'everyone gets a trophy' thing needs to stop before it gets worse. I can't tell you how many times I've argued with students over stupid things that they thought they deserved, because they 'showed up.' No!

A classmate of mine danced with her father to Tim McGraw's "My Best Friend." Sounds harmless, right? Except the main part of the chorus has the line "you're more than a lover." Sorry, any song that references a "lover" cannot be used for a father-daughter dance IMO. Ick.

I teach HS English and "The Lottery" is one of the first short stories I read with my freshmen. They love it. And then I show them a clip of the South Park episode where everyone tries to destroy Britney Spears, "Lottery"-style, and we all have a good laugh.