The artist formerly known as...

...this entirely unhelpful comment. Thanks for being a wiseass. In the time it took me to write this, you could have learned something about not being a prick. I've been using computers since before you were out of your underoos, so don't lecture me. Sorry I missed the tag, but you could have actually shared some

Well, yes, I did think it was an app. But thanks for your helpful comment. Far more helpful than....

Yes, and when things go bad, you have to fix it yourself. Or, if the Apple Store is nice, just do a reset (if you cannot do it yourself).

Wow. Desperate times really do call for desperate measures, eh?

TenIconSwitcher Adds Extra Icons to the Jailbroken iPad Multitasking Tray

You'll learn to say something innocuous, like "I study how different countries govern themselves" or some such thing, and then they will tell you the most interesting story about how they learned so much about the government/politics of some random country because their cruise ship made a port of call at some American

My 9 year old boy still has his favorite stuffed animal that goes with him everywhere. I want him to disengage just a bit. But this story has me all verkempt. Yay T!!

Now playing

I can't believe I've not seen this posted yet.

Good luck. Seriously, you'll love it there, when you turn about 30 and finally have a good job. I love the PNW (it's home) and want to move back, but I enjoy housing and food, also.

"Now I live in a hippie enclave and HERE, yes, lots of people won't go to Starbucks for the corporate whatever blah blah, but in Seattle I don't know anyone who is a snot about that. "

I think that Lifehacker had a story some time ago about how to do that. No, I don't work for the Jez/LH/Gawker empire.....

"watery, gut-scouring coffee of other lands...."

Oh, you so totally win.

Sorry, my comment didn't come out right. I asked if you had to pass it because I took advanced advanced stats in the sociology department (pass/fail), and the prof said, more or less, "you totally bombed the midterm, but I am not going to fail you, because it's not the sociology department's business to decide who

Yes, it sorta does get worse. Don't tell anyone you're a political scientist if you're not at a political science party. They will ask you if you are running for office, or who you think will will the next election for whatever. They will say "political science that's an oxymoron, heh heh heh..." but when you put on

Oh, I didn't know that abomination had a name. Perhaps because, as awful as it is, it doesn't rise to Comic Sans' ubiquity and sheer awfulness. After all, Mistral was never the Clippy font.

Some people, like me, like their jobs. I like working a few hours on the weekend. It's good thinking time. Don't blame other people. Arrange your work life to suit yourself. For every one of you complaining about how the weekend workers create high expectations, there's one playing angry birds at work all day. No,

Ha! Don't tell that to an electrical, civil, mechanical, structural, environmental, chemical, geotechnical, or other kind of engineer.

Georgetown. My colleage's PhD diploma is in Latin, and it's huge. #jealous

Ahh, but did you have to pass it? Can you tell the median from the mean? (My son's 4th grade class just covered mean, median and mode. I learned this in college. #MindBlown.)