The artist formerly known as...

I love the term "anarcho-syndicalist," and urge that this be used a lot more.

All ick aside, this foot model has one nice foot. Have the thinspo types called her foot "fat" yet?

Yeah, but if it's mostly "traders, investment bankers, and lawyers," that do this, is there anything we can do to encourage this? Incapacitating the least useful of our workers is a good start.

Here's my master plan for nipping this dumbassery in the bud:

There's no licensing for psychology. You may be thinking about psychiatry.

He doesn't appear to know dick about science, either. So to speak.

Or your brother? Urgh.

Gallup has the rep at his school of being the odd duck. In my world, it seems he publishes a lot more (at least, indirectly) in Psychology Today and Cosmo than in highly-regarded scientific journals. But, what the hell. He also theorizes that the human dick is shaped the way it is to drive out any of The Other's semen

My fondest memories of my wife's first pregnancy were our fun spring break trip to a warm place, where I provided her oral services. She didn't have morning sickness, though, so the reciprocation was more altruistic than therapeutic.

Perhaps. But I've been burned too many times. It's like when HP accidentally makes a good PC, it doesn't erase the memories of how bad they are across the board.

I really do like DB, and use it a lot. I was about to pay a bunch for SkyDrive, but its syncing is really slow. I am pretty psyched about this—I can now keep all my pictures, documents, and music in one place, instead of spreading around between Gdrive and DB. Yay.

It's not "tonight" yet.....

I pay for it. The prices were high, and I was shopping around. But I don't consider myself screwed. Things are sometimes worth their price. #Econ101

It's secure enough. Yes, I put personal stuff there. But the high degree of convenience mitigates the risk. Driving in a car is risky too, even with airbags and seat belts. I see the risk as being no greater than the risk I run when I had a waiter my credit card. If I was dealing with hard core trade secrets and

I think a lot of folks here already have DB, so the referral won't do you much good. But I shared mine on Facebook t'other day, with a note along the lines of "I know this is an ad, and I am flacking for DB, but I will just do this once, post the referral link, and you and I both get something out of the deal. If not,

I could use a combo 30-pin and micro-USB connector. The micro USB charges my iPad's Zagg keyboard, my Kindle, etc. etc.....

This is exactly what I thought when I saw this site. But, like others noted, the commenters there either don't get the satire, or, even worse, it's not satire. Either way it sucks.

Interesting comments throughout this thread. And Whitson, I have to agree—there's probably no real joy for me with any carrier. I bought the iPhone, then, to just avoid this fragmentation. And my iPhone does perform better than the last two Android phones I had, one of which was a Samsung that was nice, but not as

I use Mail on the Mac to back up my Gmail. But until someone develops a desktop client that works better than Gmail on the web, I won't use it daily. Without superstars support, I find no desktop client usable at all.

This is exactly why I will never, ever buy an HTC phone ever again, and will not use Sprint—both of them made materially false claims about the upgrade path for the HTC phone I mistakenly bought. I won't be fooled again.