The artist formerly known as...

This is so perfect. Outstanding.

Hi, didn't we date? You're the woman who wouldn't let me go down on her, right? Said it was icky, even when I said I dig it? Well, it turned out OK in the long run for both of us, kaythxbye

Yeah, I was racking my brain trying to remember that in Fiona—good catch.

Uhh....this is new exactly how? As a scientist, of sorts, I hate those typical "bunch of dopes confirming common sense or folk wisdom" sort of responses, but it's hard not to react this way to this sort of story. "Vag flora changes from day to day! Who knew?" Moar science!:

Thanks for this. This put your point into context, and I now understand—and I am totally with ya.

;-) My brain is working like a 183 year old....

Meh, my 50th anniversary. In related news, it's bed time.

You have a point there; if you comb your hair just so, no one will notice.

If I make it to my fifth anniversary, I will be 88. Seventy-two? Pretty much impossible. But that's so way cool. My grandma and grandpa were married almost 73 years when she died.

My dad just died, at 75. He'd trade ya. Being dead pretty much sucks.

This is why these dimwits believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth. They value life so much until it can vote, and then, if it's slightly brown, that "precious life" can get a voter ID, on a plane, etc. Thanks so much, Rethugricans.

Maybe the point is that apt 4 is too gross even for the worst sort of San Fernando Valley garbage porn? Now that's pretty foul.

If, in fact, that letter quoted in the story was written by a 13 year old girl, could someone please, please admit her to my university, stat? This way, she can teach the other "girls' here about body image issues, while at the same time showing how to construct words into clear sentences that ultimately convey

This is really useful. I am very lucky that my boss has been really cool about not pushing me too hard while I deal with a death in the family. Fortunately, I work with cool people.

Timely. My father died recently, and I am far from home and planning a funeral, while doing all my other work. This is a wonderful tip, and a good article.

Yes. But cheaper than Dropbox. And you know what's really cool? You don't have to buy it if you don't want. Ain't the market grand?

What I don't understand is this: can I just replace Dropbox with GDrive? I don't quite understand GDrive yet—does it sync everything the same way that Dropbox does? If so, I like it. But for some reason I find GDrive puzzling.

I'm sorta in this camp. I use GDrive for photos. Dropbox for everything else.