The artist formerly known as...

Exactly. Any way to sneak in some protein into the usual diet of junk and poison I eat would be welcome.

Funny, I don't hear much from Batshit Barbara about Ted Nugent's threats against Obama. Oh, yeah, boys will boys. Whatever. Jesus, she's stupid.

That is hella funny. Hope ya stick around a while.

As a dood, I just want to say that I like my vaginas in vagina color. That's not in the 64 crayola set, but I think you know what I mean.

Only during the most fertile time of the cycle. The rest of the time, yer good.

And even 40 isn't unreasonable (my wife, 41 and 39, perfectly normal kids, etc.)

Or even a gyno at planned parenthood? They may not be in network, but they probably won't be as into body shaming.

I read somewhere that the optimal baby-having age is 24. I am sure that's the peak of some sort of distribution, but I think it has to do with the general fertility of 24 year old women and the idea that 24 year old women are fully physically mature to carry babies to term and have them be all healthy. This is all

Five times on the TV? That's what you get for watching TV.

LOL. I will likely be in Iowa this summer, and will investigate.....

Yikes. I have indeed seen that. Awful.

"...and NBC executives are upset by the way she got hired in the first place."

Wouldn't nearly any model modeling any thing be a thinspo or ana-positive post by definition? 5'11" and size zero? No fucking way.

I guess knitting is a metaphor for something. I am not sure what yet.

Just a hunch—higher than typical absorbency, I think. There's this, but the claim seems a bit thin. So the usual safety warnings apply. I was in college when the first TSS outbreaks happened, and it scared lots of women a lot—so all this may be based on hazy and incomplete memories. [commonhealth.wbur.org]

Well, I'll be damned:

My wife uses them. I think that because they are so dense and cottony that they pose a slightly higher risk of toxic shock syndrome. My father in law, a health care professional, is always asking his daughters to be careful with OBs. Yeah, awkward, but they dig how much their dad cares.

Late to the party, but WTF? Applicator? This always cracked me up. To be clear: an applicator is like the brush in a can of rubber cement. Tampons don't have brushes, do they?

I'm a dude, and I just grimaced. The wimmins cannot like this at all.

Niiice. LMAO