The artist formerly known as...

It's the Cuyahoga River—not the Cleveland River. #corrections.

Gotta recommend that to my wife. She'll be thrilled (in the sense of being "not thrilled").

Dude here to say that I'm not down with vag-oplasty or really any other plasty. Jennifer Gray? Career ruined after rhinoplasty. My wife's lady bits look and work just fine, thanks much. I'm rather fond of them just the way they are.

BHO is doing just fine, thanks much. Yeah, the romper room at MoveOn is all pissed, but if we give them some apple juice and a nap, they'll calm down. I think Hillary would have been just as a good a president as BHO, given how whomever was nominated was handed the biggest shitstorm to deal with since FDR took over.

The university I work at changed the 9 to a 7 for an outside line for this very reason—lots of mistaken 911 calls placed to campus police.

Some 16 year olds are great drivers; some know how to use apostrophes. The union of these sets may be a null set.

Thanks for this!! This is very fun.

Nice to know that there are some decent people in the world—or at least shame-able.

This would have been great for my '99 Saturn—getting the belt tight is crucial for pre-LATCH car seats.

I remember when the LATCH System was mandated for most cars in the US, but didn't remember the year it went into effect. Here's what I found: "Nearly every car seat and most vehicles manufactured since September 1, 2002, are required to have the LATCH system."

Daaaaaamn. I don't often use "sexy" to describe inanimate objects. This warrants an exception.

Well done. You are more measured, and have better evidence, than I had in my rant, and broadly prove the point that most cars pose not much challenge for mounting car seats.

Oh, yes, car seats are haaard. Bullshit. Take the extra 25 seconds it takes to find the LATCH thing, actually read the instructions, and strap that thing in. What's harder than that? Traumatic injuries to your kids. Anyone who doesn't make the effort—or lacks the mechanical skills needed to change a tire or even check

I'm so glad I read the whole post before I suggested calling The Wolf (he fixes things).

A 13 year old French girl. Mon dieu.

épique victoire

My thought exactly. Not much difference between a parking garage and the Pont de l'Alma tunnel .

Opinions are like assholes.....

Yes, adding 20 lbs to your bike is going to make it safer, more noticeable, and more stable. I ride bikes; this is a stupid project.

My TomTom GPS has a warning for red light cameras. 100% accurate in my town, as of today. But, yes, those databases go out of date fast, and I don't update maps very often.