The artist formerly known as...

Yes. this. And the home office. I earn money from book royalties—not much, as I am a college prof and the books I write are not best sellers. But I am able to deduct some professional expenses. But never enough to show a "loss," and I would never, ever, claim the home office even if it were devoted solely to my

"Got a Hobby? It Might Earn You a Tax Audit."

It always is. Everyone is a unique precious snowflake, also.

Courtney wrote that all by herself, with all the big kid words and everything? #skeptical

Alec and Keith Olbermann should hang, see who can out-douche each other.

My wife's been talking again, hasn't she?

Love that this was COTD. I remember reading a story in one of those "I never believed these stories until one day..." mags where some dude claimed to have broken open a light stick and put the liquid on his thang to create the magickal light saber effect. I call either bullshit, or "ewww, isn't that risky?" Might be

Exactly. I'm not tearing you a new one; I am just too happy that someone, somewhere, knows the difference between magnitude of an effect and its statistical significance. I can guarantee you that not one journalist in 100, or 2 undergrad social science majors in 100, knows the difference (I have to teach these folks,

Yeah, women suck at math, which is why my wife, who has successfully taken calculus, cannot seem to teach me calc. The fact that I got a C-minus in college algebra has nothing to do with this.

What would help is knowing whether she was a known Christer before she signed that clause. If you're going to espouse these xtian values, you may be hoist on your own petard, in which case, boo effing hoo.

"She was engaged, you see, and they were planning on getting married." If I had a dime for every christer I've known who laid down that bullshit to justify the pre-marital wild thing, I'd have several metric shit-tons of dimes.

Redacted. Was going to write something really snarky about Snooki probably not knowing where babies come from. That may still be true. The rest of the snark—well, the fact that there is a Snooki just speaks for itself.

No, in his case it was 1847. Still, this is hella funny.

If her experience is anything like mine, she'll grow out of it. Kids are, as you know, impressionable. Hell, my kids (I live in the South) come home from school—public school—with amazing theological pronouncements. Once they learn who the Easter Bunny really is, they will out grow this phase.

Ha! I know what we're going to do today, Phineas.....

You need to spend some time in corporate america, where the staff try to liven up internal communications with Comic Sans. It's not about the typeface as much as it is about the context in which it's used. When used as a "happy" face in a professional or corporate atmosphere, it's as dispiriting and awful as a

I thought this was going to be about having to have a special pube-trimming license. Moving on...

Given my build, I'd be more prone to dress like Meatloaf than Prince. But my wife, a former Minneapolitan, would dig the Prince thing. Maybe I can get her to go as Wendy or Lisa?

I was hoping to get a really funny response. You got it in one. Well played.

You're new here, right? I know of no one who hasn't heard the screams of anguish when confronted by Comic Sans.